Chapter Ten - She bakes Cupcakes

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I hope you like this chapter, it's one of my favourites!!!!   Enjoy!!  Also, this chapter is rated is NOT rated R.   Wattpad will not let me change the rating, it's stuck on R.

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Chapter ten

Okay….so this is going to be so cliché but I’m going to ask Angie to marry me on Valentine’s.   Yea…I know…everyone who’s anyone gets proposed to on Valentine’s, but that’s the day I picked and that’s the day I’m going to go for.  

Walking into the jewelers, I was picking up Angie’s ring.   Thankfully I had some help from Naomi and she chatted up Angie what her other ring that Thomas gave to her, what it looked like.   There was no way that I wanted to get her a ring that looked remotely like his.    

 I decided to go platinum, only the best for my girl, and I went with a 3 carat emerald stone in center, surrounded by diamonds.   I know that she will love it, the emerald is the exact color of her beautiful eyes.  

I’m also getting the band done that the same time……yea…I know…I’m pretty cocky, I know that she’s going to say yes.     I decided on an eternity wedding band, alternating a diamond and then an emerald to match her engagement ring.   I’m pretty sure that she’ll love both.   Now I just need to plan the night.   I already got a private room at this little cozy French restaurant in a fancy hotel.  

 Oh yea….and I’ve got the room booked too!

“Naomi………how do I look?”   

“Um…I would have to say smashing, yup…that’s the word”     “Are you nervous Josh….ha.ha…because you look it”  

“Sure, fine….tease me, but you know deep down inside that you want Angie as your sister-in-law.   Come on, admit it, you played matchmaker in the beginning and now your wish is coming true”   

“Hell yea….the minute I saw her and I saw the way that Tyler took to Nicholas and her, I knew she was the one for you”.   “I hope you know what a wonderful woman you are going to marry Josh, never take her for granted”.  

“You know I won’t Nai, her and those two boys are my world, I know how lucky I am to have all three of them in my life”.   “So….do you think she will like the ring?” 

“Of course she’s going to love it, it’s gorgeous.   She loves you Josh, if you gave her a twist tie and shaped it into a ring and put that on her finger, you know her answer will still be the same, it will be yes no matter what you give her.   Anyway….I’m glad that you went the expensive route though, I wouldn’t want her to think that my brother was a cheapo!!!”  

“So, what’s happening with you and Peter?”  Things are going well?”  

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