Chapter Eight - She bakes Cupcakes

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Warning - sexual content.    Please VOTE, comment and let me know what you think!!!!  I'm not really sure if I should continue with this, I don't have many people reading!  So please, let me know!  Thanks!!!!  xo

Chapter Eight

Christmas was in two days and I was heading down to Tiffany’s to pick up Angie’s gift.   I hope that she likes it.  I didn’t know what to get her,  I didn’t want to get her something not meaningful.  I wanted something from the heart.   I walked into Tiffany’s, sort of explained to the sale’s woman what I wanted and found the perfect gift.  

 I decided on a traditional Tiffany’s bracelet with the signature Tiffany heart.   On the heart I had engraved the date that I knew I fell in love with her.   The day I walked into her kitchen and she was baking cupcakes with the boys.   I know she’s going to ask what the date means,  I’ve decided then is when I’m going to tell her that I love her.   I can’t hold it inside anymore.   Every time we make love, I keep on holding it back.  I want to say it to her when we are not making love because I don’t want it to sound fake or in the heat of the moment.

Its Christmas morning and I wish that Angie and Nicholas were here with us.   Angie and I have been spending nights together, not every night because we still really haven’t said anything to the boys yet.   Plus Angie works at least a couple of night shifts a week.   She’s taken the couple weeks off this Christmas as vacation time and I’m happy she did because I always close my construction company during Christmas and New Year’s.  Two weeks to spend with them and I’m going to make the most of them.

Tyler and I made our way over to Angie’s,  Nicholas was so excited because Santa left gifts for me and Tyler at his house.   He kept on wanting to know how Santa knew we were coming over on Christmas morning.  Ah…kids, Angie and I were smiling to ourselves.   Angie’s house smelled amazing.  She was making French toast when we came over and the turkey was just going into the oven.   That woman, she can multitask with her eyes closed. 

Angie and I decided to get the boys a mutual gift for them to share.   We bought them a Wii and I don’t think that I’ve ever seen them both so excited.   Angie gave me her gift,  she knows that I love the San Diego Chargers, so she got us four tickets plus a jersey of my favorite player.  Dam…she’s so sweet. 

I decided that now was the perfect time to give her my gift.   I noticed the boys weren’t paying attention to us,  they were more focus now on building some Lego.    I sat next to her beside the Christmas tree and handed her the gift.    I’m so nervous right now, I hope that she doesn’t freak, I don’t think that she will because if she can’t already see the love in my eyes, then she must be blind.  

“Angie…..I got you something small, I hope you like it, I picked it out myself”.   

“Josh, you know that I would love anything you gave to me, even if you gave me nothing.   Having you and Tyler here is the best Christmas present that I could asked for”   Smiling she opened the wrapping paper and then she saw the signature blue Tiffany box. 

 “Josh….I hope that you didn’t spend a lot of money”.  

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