Chapter Two - She bakes Cupcakes

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Chapter Two

Brushing out her long dark hair, Angie couldn’t stop thinking about Joshua.   He’s gorgeous, tall, dark and handsome, just the way I like them.    Dinner was nice the other night, we chatted like old friends, felt very natural to be with him and Tyler.   I love how he adores his son, made my heart melt.   I really need a father figure around for Nicholas.  Sigh……it would never work, the thought of another man touching makes me uncomfortable.   I know that I shouldn’t judge them all like my ex-husband, but after what I went through, it’s hard not to.   The scars run too deep, I’m still an emotional wreck and it’s all because of him.  Thankfully he’s behind bars now, where he’ll stay for the next few more years.   Nicholas and I are safe for now; we don’t have to worry about Thomas anymore.

School was starting soon and I’m so happy that Tyler and Nicholas were going to same school and were going to be in the same class.  I was worried about him in a new school and making new friends.   At least now he knows someone already and will make the change easier for him.  Tyler was really a good kid, he’s funny and lovable, I always wanted more children.   He’s good for Nicholas, almost like having a brother.   The school is close by to where we live, I’m going to enjoy taking the boys to school on my days off.  

 I’m so grateful to Rosalina next door, she has offered to take Nicholas for me on the days that I’m working.   My Mother will just be waiting for him when he gets home.   I love my Mom so much, it’s so good to be living close to her again.   Living in L.A. before was too far for day trips, so my parents didn’t visit very often.  I tried to go and visit with them at least once a month, but most of the time Thomas was so controlling that he wouldn’t let me.  I always tried to avoid fighting with him, it just wasn’t worth now.   Now I’m close to my Mom, her and Nicholas have a lot of time to make up for.

I could hear the boys in the playroom, goofing off, laughing and giggling.  They are so great together, yea….they have the odd tiff, but then again, who doesn’t?  There they go again, I think they are wrestling together now.  More like a huge giggle fest.   I love that sound though, of  happy children….hmmmm what to feed them now?    I made dough earlier in the day, I’ll make some pizza, and the kids will love that.    I’ve got pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives….hmmmm…..oh…I’ll put on a few red peppers too.   Yea….that will work.   I’ll make a tomato/basil salad……Nicholas loves tomatoes and I have so many of them in my garden right now.    I’ll call next door and ask if Tyler can stay for dinner, I’m sure they won’t mind, Josh seems to never be home and Tyler eats alone or with his nanny.

Ring, ring.   

“Hello….Josh, its Angie, I was wondering if Tyler could stay for dinner?”   

“Sure, if it’s not a bother to you” replied Josh.   

“Nope, he’s definitely not a bother at all, I’m making pizza and I know that kids love pizza.   Um…if you don’t have dinner plans, would you like to come as well?”    

“I would love to, when should I come over?”.   

“Come any time, I’m just rolling out the dough now”.   

“I’ll be over in a bit, thanks Angie, that is very nice of you to invite us over.   Can I bring something, a bottle of wine?”

“Sure, sounds nice Josh.  I’ll see you soon!”

OMG….what am I getting myself into.    I got to fix my hair, oh….I should put on a bit of make-up, dam……I invite the man over for pizza…….stupid, stupid me, I should have made something better then that!!!  Why am I acting so nervous, it’s not like a like him or anything.  I’ll admit that I’m really attracted to him,  god….just looking at him makes me want to drool.   Okay….I’m more then attracted to him, he makes my insides feel like jello.  Crap….I’m just wearing shorts and a t-shirt….I need something prettier to wear.   I cannot believe I’m acting like this.  In the three years of my divorce, no one man that I’ve met has made me want to change my clothes and put on a bit more make-up.  

Alright…let’s see what I got in my closet.   It’s still quite warm out, I’m thinking of eating outdoors.   Oh …this is perfect!!  Okay….I got a pretty sun dress on now.   It’s a dark navy blue with a row of white daisies going across my bust, compliments my dark skin and dark hair.   Hmmm….if I pull it down a bit, I’ll get a bit more cleavage happening.  Got to flaunt what god gave to you!!!  

Seriously, I need to get a hold of myself.  I’m acting like a teenager.

“So, I’m guessing that you are Europen because your cooking is amazing.   I don’t think I’ve ever had better pizza and that spaghetti you made the other night was so good” said Josh.    

“Thank you Josh, I’m Italian and my Mother taught me everything that I know.  Sorry about the pizza, I should have made something better”.   

“Are you kidding me? I love pizza, so does Tyler but we’ve never had homemade pizza before.  You could definitely get to a man’s heart with your cooking”.  

 Oh shit, she flinched when I said that, I hope that I didn’t say something wrong.

It was a nice night, after dinner we stayed out on her deck, sipping some wine.  The boys were kicking around a soccer ball in the back yard.   Angie decided it was time for dessert.   Gee….was she going to go and whip up a cake now??     This woman is amazing, she comes back carrying a tray with four bowls of vanilla ice cream.   The ice cream was topped off with fresh berries and some whip cream.   The dessert was so simple and it was so good.   I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tyler eat so much fruit before.   I even saw him eat tomatos tonight and he’s usually such a picky eater.   Angie must be doing something right.  

The boys finished off their ice cream so quickly, I had to tell them to breath.   They were back down in the yard playing soccer in a matter of minutes.    Angie and I were alone again, I want to ask her about her ex-husband but don’t really know how to bring up the topic.  The way she flinches and acts all jittery around me, makes me think that her marriage wasn’t very good.    Maybe I’ll just come out and ask her.

“So, Naomi tells me that you are divorced, is your husband still in the picture?  I mean, does he still have contact with Nicholas?”   

Oh shit, she paled now and I could see her wringing her hands.    She looked extremely uncomfortable,  I didn’t mean to upset her.   

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, you are visibly upset, I shouldn’t pry into your personal life” said Josh.    

She looked at me with watery eyes, dam I just wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be alright.  He obviously hurt her badly, that SOB.  

“Um… um….marriage wasn’t ah….um….wasn’t very good” she whispered.    “To answer your question, um…..Thomas isn’t in the picture anymore; I made sure that he has no contact with myself or Nicholas”.  "Sorry, I still get so emotional about it".

I saw her wipe a few tears away….dam…what the hell did that prick do to her?    I knelt in front of her now, put my arms around her, geez…….her hair smelled like lavender, oh god……I just want to kiss her and make her forget that prick ever existed.    She stiffened as I put my arms around her, I felt her shake and try and pull away.  I won’t make her feel more uncomfortable then she already did.  I kissed her lightly on her forehead and sat back down on my chair.

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