Its all my fault

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Grayson's POV
It's been 2 days since me and heavenly's fight. I'm still mad about what she told me but I still really like her. Actually I love her. I'm not ready to lose her yet. She has states today and I promised that I would go, I want her back I forgive her and she said she changed since she met me. She has called me and left me voicemails.
"Hey Grayson's it's heavenly. Um I know you probably don't forgive me but I just wanted to tell you that I haven't done anything with and to another guy since I met you. I really like you and I miss you. I've changed since I've met you. I really care about you, I would never use you. But anyways it looks like I blew it. Call me when you have a chance" she said in the voicemail.
I cry every time I hear her voice. I know she's not lying about her feelings about me. I'm going to make everything right. I'm going to get her back.
-------heavenly's POV------
Today is my state meet for gymnastics and I'm not in the mood to go. I miss Grayson so much, but he probably hates me. I screwed up and now I lost the boy I really care about.
"Honey are you ready to go" my mother yelled from downstairs
"Yeah" I said as I left my room and grabbed my gym bag. Luckily the state meet isn't that far away. Only 30 minutes.
When I arrived at the meet I found my team and we all got ready in the back room. We had our coaches braid our hair and hairspray every loose strand of hair. Then we changed into our leotards and started to stretch. I looked in the audience and saw my parents but I didn't see Grayson.I'm not surprised he isn't coming since we broke up. I guess i was just hoping that he would come no matter what.
"Hey are you okay you look upset" my teammate Amber asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" I lied.
"Okay will I'm always here if you want to talk" she said and started stretching her back.
I really didn't want to compete today I just wanted to stay in bed.
"Okay gymnasts we are going to start the competition" the announcer announced.
"Heavenly you are up first on beam" my coach yelled. I got up and looked into the crowd at my parents who gave me a thumbs up. 
-----Grayson's POV-------
I made it to the competition just when they started. When I walked in I saw heavenly on beam.
Come on heavenly you can do this. I thought to myself. I looked up into the crowd and found an empty seat next to heavenly's parents.
"Hey can I sit here" I said when I got to her parents.
"Grayson what are just doing here. I thought you and heavenly broke up" her mother said.
"We did but I love her and I want her back and I promised I would come" I said as I sat down.
"Well your just in time. Heavenly just finished beam with a score of 9.456" her father said.
"Nice. Do you think she has a chance of winning?" I asked
"I don't know there are so many good gymnast here" her mother said.
"Oh. Well I'm sure she will do great" I said and looked for her.
About 20 minutes later she was called for floor.
"At least she is getting her worst events over with" her mother said.
"Let's go heavenly" her dad yelled.
Heavenly did okay on floor but I could tell there was something wrong with her. It's all my fault. 
A half hour later she had the uneven bars.
"Let's go honey" her mother yelled.
On her last giant her father yelled "stick it heavenly stick it". She over twisted and landed on her back.
"She has never messed up on that skill before" her mother said worried.
"I'm sure she's okay just nervous" her father said.
"I'm going to run to the bathroom" I said getting up and walking down the bleachers.
When I came back into the gym I saw that it was her turn on vault. She was going to do amazing on it.
I saw her look up at her parents and she had a sad look on her face. She must not know I'm here.
I walked back to her parents and sat down. Then heavenly took a deep breath like she always does when she starts her vault. Then she started to run.
"She's going too fast she's going to overpower" her mom said.
"Heavenly slow down" her father yelled but it was to late she did a round off onto the spring board and a back handspring onto the vaulting table. Then she did a back layout full twist but she overpowered and landed on her neck.
"Omg" her parents both said
"Heavenly" I screamed and ran down to her.
When I got there her coaches where there next to her.
"Heavenly" I said running up to her and grabbed her hand.
"She's unconscious. We need a paramedic now" one of her coaches yelled.
Her parents ran up and got on the other side of her.
A minute later a few EMTS ran in with a stretcher.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked
"Well her knee cap is dislocated and she might have broken her neck" one of the coaches said while a paramedic put a neck brace around her and the slid a board under her to carrier her to the ambulance. I never let go of her hand.
"We can take one person with us" one of the EMTS said
"Grayson you should go with her" her father said as he and his wife got into a car.
I jumped into the ambulance and held her hand. "Come on heavenly please wake up" I said and a tear slid down my cheek.
The paramedic put a breathing mask on her and tried to wake her up.
The sirens from the ambulance went on and we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Her parents followed behind the ambulance.
The ride to the hospital was 20 minutes and she still wasn't walking up.
I rubbed her hand with my thumb and tears stated to fall down my cheeks. It's all my fault.
We pulled into the hospital and they pulled her out of the ambulance and brought her into the hospital. I held her hand until they told me I couldn't go any further and would had to wait in the waiting room.
I sat down next to her mother who was crying. 
I put my head in my hands and started to cry. It's all my fault.

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