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Heavenly's POV
The coach for the level 4-5 couldn't make it tonight so I had to fill in. I have no idea how I'm going to do it with a broken knee but I will figure it out. I got to the gym 15 minutes before the practice started so I could figure out what I want them to do at practice.
"Oh hey amber what are you doing here?" I asked when she walked in the lobby.
"They called me and said that you would need help since you broke your knee so I'm here to help" she said putting her bag down.
"Okay well I was thinking that we could just have the kids work on anything they want and we could just help them and spot them on bars." I said as I crutched into the gym
"Okay sounds good" she said as she started to stretch.
10 minutes later the levels 4-5 walked into the gym.
"Hey guys. So your coach couldn't make it today so me and amber will be taking her place for the night" I said.
"What's your name?" A girl asked
"I'm heavenly" I said "so today we are just going to let you work on anything you want. Amber will be spotting people on bars and I will be watching people on floor and vault"
"What happened to your knee?" Another girl asked.
"I dislocated my kneecap and fractured a bone in my knee on vault at states a few weeks ago. I also fractured a bone in my neck" I said leaning against my crutches.
"Yeah it was really scary I thought you were going to be paralyzed" Amber said.
"Thank god I'm not paralyzed....Okay well we should start stretching" I said and started to sit down being careful of my knee.
"Let's start with your middle split" Amber said.
About 20 minutes later I went to grab my phone so I could play music. I came back into the gym with all the girls huddled around Amber.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked when I got over to them.
"Nothing just talking" she said and walked with a bunch of girls over to the uneven bars. That was weird I thought to myself.
We had been there for about an hour and still had 2 hours left when things started to get really weird.
All of a sudden the power went out.
"Heavenly go turn on the emergency lights" Amber called from across the gym. Since we were the only coaches there we were responsible for anything that happened.
I crutched my way over to the power closet to turn on the power. Luckily I had my phone to use as a flashlight. I got over to the power closet, someone had turned the power off completely; someone came in here and pulled the lever to turn the power off. Who would do that? I thought to myself.
I turned the power back on and left the closet. I got back into the gym and no one was in there. Where did everyone go.
Then music started to play. It was my favorite love song; photograph by Ed sheeran.
Then a bunch of level 4's ran onto the floor and started dancing. Then everyone followed them. They were flipping one after another. Then a poster came out of no where and some girls held it up it said; Heavenly will you go to prom with me?
I crutched over to the floor and then I saw him, he did one of the tricks I taught him the first time we hung out. When the chorus started he stopped and grabbed a bunch of flowers and ran up to me.
"Heavenly will you go to prom with me?" Grayson's said handing me the flowers
"Yes of course" I said and kissed him.
"I love you heavenly" Grayson said holding me around the waist.
"I love you more" I said with a huge smile on my face.
"That's not possible" he said and kissed me again.
When the song ended he put me on his back being careful of my knee and carried me over to where all the kids were sitting. He placed me down on the ground and yelled to Ethan.
"Okay start the video" Grayson yelled
Then a video started. It was all the photos and videos of us. It went on for a few minutes then Grayson was on the screen.
"Heavenly I want you to know how much you mean to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I love you more than anything. I'm so glad that I met you. Without you I don't know who I would be. Don't ever forget how much I love you" Grayson's said in the video, then the video ended. I looked at Grayson with tears streaming down my face.
"Don't cry babe" he said wiping my tears.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you" I said and hugged him tight.
"Your welcome" he said and kissed the top of my head.
"Gray we need to get going cam is here to pick us up" Ethan said.
"Okay be right there" he said. "I will see you later. Okay babe call me when you get home" he said and gave me one last kiss before leaving.
"Hey amber do you want to come with me to pick out a prom dress?" I asked.  Me and amber were really close.
"Of course" she said with a huge smile on her face. "He really loves you" she said after
"I know. So did he plan all this?" I asked
"Yeah he called me after school and told me about it and wanted the kids to be involved in it" she said.
"He's so sweet.... I will be right back let me go put the flowers with my stuff" I said and left the gym. I grabbed my phone and texted Grayson.
"I love you" I said. He responded right away
"I love you more heavenly" he texted.
I put my phone and flowers away then crutched into the gym with a huge smile on my face.
---------Grayson's POV--------
1 hour earlier
"Come on Ethan we need to leave" I yelled from downstairs
"I'm coming" he said walking down the stairs.
"Do you have to flowers?" My mother yelled from in the kitchen 
"Yeah and the posters in the car already" I said entering the kitchen.
"Well good luck honey. I'm sure she will say yes" my mom said and hugged me.
Today I am going to ask heavenly to prom. I decided to do it while she was coaching and have all the kids involved.
40 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot. Cameron waited in the car and Ethan came in to help me.
I opened the door to the lobby and snuck in making sure heavenly wouldn't see me or Ethan.
I texted Amber and told her to distract heavenly while me and Ethan snuck into the gym. Once Amber was distracting her Ethan ran to the power closet and shut off all the power. When it was dark me and all of the kid went and hid behind mats and anything that we could find.
The power went back on and when Ethan saw heavenly he started the music.
Then a bunch of girls ran onto the floor and started the routine. Then about 30 seconds later they grabbed the poster and held it up. Then the rest of the kids ran onto the floor with me and amber. I decided to do the trick that she taught me the first day we hung out. 
When the chorus came I ran over to Ethan and grabbed the flowers to give to heavenly then ran to heavenly and asked her.
"Heavenly will you go to prom with me?" I asked handing her the flowers.
"Yes of course" she said and grabbed the flowers then kissed me.
"I love you heavenly" I said grabbing her around the waist and pulled her close.
"I love you more" she said with a huge smile on her face.
"That's not possible" I said and kissed her again.
After the song ended I picked her up like a bride being careful of her knee.
I brought her over to where all the kids were sitting and placed her on the ground then sat next to her.
"Okay start the video" I yelled to Ethan.
After the video was over she looked at me and had tears streaming down her face.
"Don't cry babe" I said wiping them off with my thumb.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you" she said and hugged me tight.
"Your welcome" I said and kissed the top of her head. I was madly in love with heavenly and I know this is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. 
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I won't be updating for a few days because I'm so busy with school. But I will update as soon as I can.

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