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1 month later
Grayson's POV
I sat up in bed and looked at the clock which read 3:00 in the morning. I remember everything from before the accident, but nothing much from after it. I quickly got out of bed and realized I was at my parents house.
I ran into my parents room to wake them up and tell them.
"Mom" I yelled and opened their door.
She sat up and turned on the lamp on her nightstand.
"What is it Grayson it's 3:00 in the morning" she rubbed her eyes
"I remember everything that happened before the accident it woke me up" I was happy.
"Omg that's wonderful gray" she got up and hugged me.
"I need to get home to Brooklyn and heavenly" I turned around to walk out (make sure to have your tissues ready for the rest of the chapter)
"Gray about that" my mom said sounding worried and confused
"What" I turned around to face her.
"Let's go down stairs to talk about it sweetie" she wrapped her around around my shoulder.
"What's going on?" I started to panic
"I will tell you when we go downstairs"
We sat on the couch in the living room. She looked at the ground before talking.
"Before I say anything I want you to know how sorry I am for you and I will do anything you need me to do"
"What happened" I looked up at her
"A little over a month ago heavenly was over her with Ethan and they showed you videos do you remember that?" She asked
"Yeah I do. I haven't seen her since that day is she mad?"
"Well let me finish. After she realized you didn't remember anything she came into the playroom to see Brooklyn. I knew something was up with her and I wish I said something. But anyways she took a picture with Brooklyn then stood up and left. Later that night we got a call saying she um she killed herself"
Hearing that was almost as if someone stabbed me in the chest. I couldn't breath. I started to cry.
"What. Why" tears were streaming down my face.
"We don't knew for sure but we think it's because she thought you would never get your memory back. But she a wrote letter. Don't worry I didn't read it but I think you should read it" she stood up and sat down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her shoulder.
"I loved her so much. We were supposed to get married" I started to cry so hard I wasn't able to speak or breath.
"I know honey. I will be right back. I'm going to go get the letter" she stood up and walked away.
"Damn it. Why did I have to go to the park that day. If I didn't none of this wouldn't have happened" I slammed my fist into the floor.
I laid on the floor and cried.
"Here you go honey. I'm going to go back to bed" she handed me the letter and left the room.
The front of the envelope read:
To Grayson. The love of my life
I slowly opened it up and started reading
Dear Grayson,
Im so sorry it had to end this way. My depression had come back once you couldn't remember anything. I didn't think that you would ever remember me again. This was the only way to get rid of the pain. I'm sorry. Know that I'm in a better place now and I'm watching over you and Brooklyn every second I can. Take care of our beautiful bundle of joy for me. Love her like there's no tomorrow and let her know that I love her too.
This is probably one of the hardest thing I've ever had to say but I want you to move on. You need to move on with your life. I loved you so so so much but I just couldn't do it anymore. I left the engagement ring in the envelope so you could give it to the one who deserves it. Find someone who Brooklyn could call mommy. Who she will look up to and someone who will love her just as much as I did.
I know it's going to be hard at first but I know you will find the strength to move on someday.
Before I died I thought back on all our times together and I know now that it wasn't meant to be.
Please don't be mad Grayson I know you are but just know I'm okay. I was happy when I was with you. You were my cure but when you couldn't remember the depression came back.
Please treat your wife amazing someday and Brooklyn too. Just forget about me.
Oh and I took one last photo with Brooklyn so make sure she has it when she's older. And tell her the truth about what happened to her mom. Don't have her wonder someday.
So I guess this is it. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and being by my side every step of the way. Thank you for being you and loving me when I couldn't love myself.
Know that I loved you more than anything in the world. But it's time for me to move on and let go.
So I guess I will see you in another life then babe. I guess this is goodbye.
~love, heavenly
(Omg I'm crying as I write this😭)
I finished reading the note. My hands were shaking and I couldn't see because I was crying so hard.
I stayed on the ground for an hour crying with the note in my hand.
And hour later I got up and grabbed my laptop. I opened up to the YouTube video we made years ago and started watching it.
*flashback to YouTube video*
As soon as I heard the water running in the bathroom I began to talk again.
"Okay so since heavenly lost when she gets back in here I'm going to put another place of shaving cream in her face. She thinks the video is done but it's not over until she gets pranked" I said into the camera.
3 minutes later heavenly crutched into the room and sat on her bed.
"Isn't the video over?" She asks pointing to the camera.
"Yeah almost but I have to say one last thing"  I said with a huge smile.
"Okay well you can finish" she said
"Okay well babe I just want you to remember that I love you" I said and shoved the plate of shaving cream in her face.
"OMG Grayson Bailey Dolan" she said grabbing a paper plate and put shaving cream on it "your going to pay" she said and shoved the plate in my face.
We laughed for about a minute then heavenly started to wipe the shaving cream off her face. I quickly grabbed another plate of shaving cream and shoved it in her face. She got mad.
"Are you kidding" she yelled and laughed which made me laugh.
"I love you babe" I said and pulled her into a hug.
"I love you too" she kissed me getting shaving cream in my mouth.
"Well I hope you enjoyed this video. I know heavenly didn't enjoy it but I sure did" I said when we broke apart from our kiss. I ended the video and turned around to heavenly holding another plate of shaving cream.
"Put that down babe" I laughed
"No" she shoved it in my face.
"Well I guess I deserved that" I said and wiped my face.
"Now we're even. I'm going to take a shower downstairs you can shower up here" she said and grabbed new clothes out of her closet.
"Why can't I take one with you" I said with a smirk.
"Because" she said and left the room. I hope she's not mad at me.
*end of flashback*
I ended the video because I couldn't take the pain anymore. I threw my laptop onto the other couch and got up. I walked into the garage where the exercise equipment was and started working out until I forgot about the pain.
------later that night-----
It's was 9:00 and I had no motivation to anything I just wanted to sleep. It was the only thing that gets rid of the pain.
I kneeled down on the ground and prayed to her. Hoping she could hear me.
"Hey babe, I hope heaven is treating you alright" I started to cry again. "I wish none of this happened. We were supposed to get married. Have a big family. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to make it though this without you. It's like having someone stab you in the heart. It sucks. I know that your finally happy, but down here I'm not. I know I'm just sounding selfish but I really loved you. I will always love you until the day I die. Please look over me and Brooklyn" I paused for a minute before speaking again. "I'm not going to wake up next to the love of my life every morning. Or have someone to talk to when I have rough nights. Brooklyn's not going to have her mom at her graduation or wedding someday. I'm not going to get to see you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white dress or be able to make love to you anymore. I thought we were both going to have a happy endings but I guess only you do. I hope you realized before you died how much I loved you. I still love you, always until the day I die. Well I'm not sure what else to say. But I hope heaven is giving you a second chance.
Goodnight babygirl sweet dreams" I looked up.
My eyes were swollen from crying. I stood up and grabbed my phone to call Ethan. I haven't talked to him. I haven't told him I got my memory back yet.
"Hello?" He said into the phone.
"Ethan I remember everything" I said trying to stop crying
"Omg gray that's amazing. I'm at your house right now. I've been watching Brooklyn since um-" he stopped
"Since heavenly died" I said and began to cry again.
"I'm sorry bro. I really am. Hey why don't you come back home. Brooklyn is still up and I know she misses you" he suggested
"I'll be right over" I hung up and quickly grabbed my stuff before heading out the door.
5 minutes later I pulled into the driveway. I looked in the mirror to make sure Brooklyn wouldn't notice I was crying.
I opened the front door and was instantly greeted by Ethan.
"Happy to see you again bro" he gave me a hug.
"Brooklyn's in her room. She doesn't know your here. Go surprise her" he said quietly
I nodded my head and walked towards her room. Her door was open slightly and I could see her watching a show on the iPad.
I slowly opened the door and she looked at me.
"Daddy" she screamed.
She jumped off the bed and ran into my arms.
"Hi baby I missed you" I hugged her tight.
She gave me a kiss on the nose "sleep with me?" She asked
"Of course baby. Let me just go put my stuff down" I put her down on her bed and walked into the other room.
"Your welcome to stay the night. Brooklyn wants me to sleep with her. You can have my bed" I said to Ethan.
"Yeah I'll stay" he shrugged.
I headed back into Brooklyn's room. She was waiting for me.
I laid down on her bed and she cuddled up next to me.
"Night daddy" she said sounding sleepy.
"Goodnight baby"
I looked back down at Brooklyn she was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a little hat on to keep her warm.
It's hard to believe that I'm a father at 17.
She started to fuss and woke up.
"Shhhh it's okay Brooklyn" I said and started to rock her in my arms.
"This is your daddy talking, I love you so much and your mommy loves you too" I said quietly and kissed her nose. She calmed down and started to go back to sleep.
I grabbed my phone and took a picture of Brooklyn. I posted it on Instagram and the caption said "welcome to the world baby Brooklyn. I love you so much."
*end of flashback*
A tear rolled down my cheek.
Brooklyn's head was next to mine. I gave her a quick kiss on the head. "Daddy loves you so much" I whispered
She started to move around. She grabbed onto my finger and didn't let go. Just like she did the day we brought her home from the hospital.
I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep next to my beautiful daughter.
OMG!!!! The story is almost over the only thing left is the epilogue!!!!

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