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I rolled over to see Camryn's beautiful sleeping face beside me. Last night after talking for awhile she'd fallen asleep. I stayed up for hours just watching her. I could feel it how much she still loves me but there was something different.

Sleep was one thing I was used to losing by now. She had slept so peacefully. I played with the ends of her hair just wanting to touch her anyway I could.

"Are you done staring at me Aiden" she whispered her eyes still closed. I felt like a creep but this hasn't been the first time I would watch her as she slept. When we were together I would wrap my arms around her and rub her back. I truly missed those days and often wondered will we ever get back to that.

I smiled, "Your just so darn beautiful it's hard not to stare." Her eyes fluttered open she smiled at me, "Good morning Aiden."

"Morning beautiful."

I sat up in the bed resting on my forearm watching her.

"Where does this leaves us?"

"Do you want to get back together Camryn?" I asked hesitantly.

"No I don't but that doesn't mean I don't love you."

I was dumbfound by the words that left her pink luscious lips.

"Are you serious right now."

She nodded which made me wonder what she's been doing in these past months since we broken up.

"Why? Camryn" the hurt and desperation clear in my voice.

"I love you but... I'm sorry I can't do this right now."

I watched her as she sat up tossing the covers off of her searching for her clothes. I know what your thinking no we didn't have sex last night if so her answer would be different.

"Camryn stop and talk to me."

"I shouldn't have stayed with you last night it was a mistake...this whole thing was a mistake."

She gathered all her clothes putting them on. I tried to think of something that would make her stay but nothing was coming to me at the moment.

"Please" I begged.

Now sitting on the edge of the bed I couldn't reach my crutches. This fucking sucks having a broken leg.

She opened the door rushing down the hall. "Camryn!" I called after her. I didn't get a reply hopping to the wall I grabbed the crutches hurrying to catch her.

The front door closed "Camryn please!" I called out again. I was starting to lose faith in us that we could ever be together again.

Finally making it to the door I looked out the window her car was long gone. Running my fingers through my hair letting out a frustrated sigh, "What in the fuck!"

I heard a deep laugh sound off from behind me. I turned around to face a smirking Adam glaring at me.

"Well little brother, you failed once again" he chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up! Adam" I spat back.

"Put some clothes on douche!"

"Go to hell" I growled.

I went back down the hall into the guest room. I sat of the edge of the bed. Why is she always running out, just once I would like her to stay and scream at me if that's what it takes.

She wasn't seeing anyone unless it was someone I'd least expect. I grabbed my phone making a few special calls.

"What do you have on Camryn Armstrong?"

"Not much Aiden, she's a good girl."

"That's all, really are you sure she's acting kind of strange."

If the guy I knew couldn't find anything or anyone then she just truly didn't want to get back with me.

I hung up the phone getting ready for this family meeting we were about to have. I fucking hate seeing Adam's face everywhere I go in the house. He's such a dick intentionally it drives me nuts.

I sat in the family room mom closed all the curtains, blinds and doors to ensure  our privacy. Even though the room is sound proof we barely used it but now surely was the time.

Adam sat across from me mom and dad in front of the both of us. A couple of dads long term trust worthy friends were here.

"A quarter of the M.K corporation plans has been leaked to our following competitors. This is a serious issues because one of my sons have been threatened and injured in the process."

All eyes glanced over at me I kept my attention on the ceiling fan which was on high spinning in a circle.

Soon I was daydreaming about Camryn. Dads booming voice over the small audience faded into the background.

"Aiden please stay with me" she whispered in my ear.

All I could think about was the way she wrapped her legs around me. Without sex my mind was going crazy, every man needs to be pleased but by the right woman. So far I haven't gotten the chance to patch things up so I could put in work.

"Aiden" I looked in the direction my name was being called.

"Yeah" I said quickly.

"Are you listening son."

"Yeah dad, please continue."

Adam snickered muttering under his breath, "Screw up."

I rolled my eyes sitting up in the chair sighing I could really use a drink right now.

Dad's voice droned on and on, "My family is in danger and I intend to do everything in my power to keep them safe."

Someone is trying to take down the McKinley empire my father and his grandfather had took time to build. Or success goes back generations from now.

Built on hard work and success but mostly failures. How do you know to do better if you don't fail I always tell myself. I've failed Camryn in every way and now I'm only paying for it.

Adam continued throughout the entire meeting throwing little jabs at me. You would think I would be used to is after spending my entire lifetime living with him.

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