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"He's such a good baby" I smiled down at the sleeping baby in my arms. "I wish I could keep him for forever"  I whispered. The old lady smiled "I think you'll get more than what you bargained for sweet heart." I looked up at her slightly confused "What do you mean?" I asked. She laughed taking the sleeping baby out of my arms.

"That husband of yours sure come with a lot of trouble" she said shaking her head. I nodded "He's most definitely worth it in the end." Aiden isn't perfect, but he's my perfect and I love him with all my heart. "You both come with trouble" she said rocking the baby. "I guess you can say we were made for each other" I chuckle.

I stared off for awhile. "Listen my child" I glance back at the old lady. The baby was gone and now she sat in a wooden rocking chair in front of me. "Don't you let this get to you, I'll always be watching over you my child" I sat there still confused. She smiled "You remind me so much of your mother. So happy so in love I told that child the same thing when she met that boy." I couldn't help but smile.

"You know my mother?" I asked. "Child I had your mother, she's my only daughter." My mother never talked about grandma, but when she did it would always put a smile on my face. "You've stayed here long enough it's time for you to go" I stood up. "Wait grandma I haven't" she stood up and walked away.

I tried to follow her "Grandma please wait!" I could hear her voice around me "Go my child." I felt a sharp pain in my side and crumpled to the ground in pain. I felt dizzy "Grandma!" I held my side the burning spreading throughout my body. "I think she's waking up?" I blinked my eyes open.

I saw my mother staring down at me, she looked like she's haven't slept in days. Bags underneath her eyes. I instantly felt horrible for her worrying about me. "Sweet heart, it's mommy I'm here" She wiped her teary eyes. "We thought we lost you and the baby" my eyes widened. They know that I am pregnant. I frowned I didn't want them to find out like this.

"I know what you're think Aiden told all of us. I'm so happy to finally be a grandma" She smiled a little brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I looked around the hospital room it was quite bigger than what I expected. "Aiden's not here but he he was" she said sadly. "You're father kind of ran him away" I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly" she said looking towards the door. "He's did everything in his power to make sure you're okay" I smiled a little glancing over at the pitcher of water. She ignored my hints continuing to talk "That crazy girl is locked up somewhere and she later confessed that she was forced to do it by Isaac" the last part I could tell really hurt her.

"I'm sorry Camryn. I should've known that boy was trouble the first night you came home with a bruise on your cheek." I held her hand squeezing it, all this wasn't her fault it was mine. "You told me that he didn't mean it. You begged for me to not tell your father and I didn't." She took a deep breath "I should've told him." She lowered her head. This was all my fault I shouldn't have stayed but when I did leave he wouldn't stop.

"Don't cry" I croaked. "Please it's okay" she reached over grabbing a bottle of water. I took the bottle trying to sit up. "Ah" I bit my lip fighting back tears. "Take it slow sweet heart" I nodded. You have a few stitches you don't want to break them. I took a sip of the water "Yeah."

"Your father should be here any minute I'll give him a call" she stepped out of the room. I could hear a little of the conversation through the door. I sighed staring up at the ceiling the door finally opened. Aiden stepped through I held my breath. He stood there watching awkwardly from the door. I admired him in his dark washed jeans and light grey v neck. Those crystal blue eyes of his sparkled with tears.

"Come here" I croaked. He walked slowly towards the bed I reached over to touch him. He sniffled "You almost died." I shook my head "Shh" he leaned down so I could place my hand on his cheek. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily" I smiled.

"I can't protect you" I sigh placing my hand on the bed. "Stop" I closed my eyes exhaustion washing over me. "I'm sorry you're tired I should let you rest" I nodded. I was so tired all of a sudden he sat in the chair beside me. "Don't leave please" I said sleepily.

"I won't" I fell asleep. When I awoke the nurse were cleaning the stitches. Aiden watched "Ow" she quickly apologized putting a new bandage on. "Everyone wants to come and see you", I still wasn't feeling up to anything. The doctors said I could go home in a few days.

"Yeah" I was kind of bummed out. At this rate I'd never get caught up on class. The first semester was ending soon, my grades were probably horrible. Aiden hasn't kissed my in days I think he's keeping his distance. I'm pregnant, but I don't want to quit school I was so close to my bachelors.

"You're stressing, the doctors said no worrying Camryn" he said typing on his phone. I rolled my eyes "Mhm." I ate piece of the bread turning away to face the wall. Being in this hospital was so crappy I hated it. I sighed trying to comfortable but my side was killing me.

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