Away from it All

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I searched through my closet for something to wear for today while hugging the phone to my ear.

"Yeah I'm listening Jassy!" I said into the phone. "Meet me at the store I need your help finding a dress for tonight!" She screamed into my ear for the fifth time.

I hung up tossing the phone on the bed walking back into the closet. I felt someone's presence in the room. A hand flew over my mouth. I panicked punch and pulling in all directions.

"Camryn relax its just me!" I calmed down breathing heavily. Aiden stared at me,"Are you okay?" I punched him in the arm,"What in the hell !  you scared me Aiden."

He laughed I frowned,"I hate you!" That only made him laugh harder,"Cam I'm sorry." I pushed past him sitting on the bed he followed sitting next to me.

"Are you seriously mad at me for scaring you" he said with that pouty face I couldn't resist. "Whatever" I said getting up going back into the closet to find something to wear.

"Why are you back so soon Aiden?" I asked pulling a purple top out but shoving back in its place. "I had some business to take care of back here some guys are pestering me about money" he said from the other room.

I didn't really feel like dressing up,"Is everything alright?" I heard some shuffling,"I just wanna get away from it all babe you and me vacation." A vacation is what I most definitely needed and to spend time with Aiden just us no distractions.

"Sounds great when and where babe" I asked eagerly. He stood in the doorway watching me,"Bora Bora how's that sound." I thought about it Ive never been to Bora Bora but heard great things about it. "I've never been I most definitely want to go!"

He grinned,"Awesome because I have everything booked we leave tonight." He walked away I followed behind him,"Tonight that gives me no time to pack Aiden or tell anyone." He turned around placing his hands on my shoulders,"Relax I got everything covered I told everyone that we were leaving just pack."

I bit my lip,"How long are we staying?" "A week maybe two" he said kissing my forehead. "I don't know seems like a long time Aiden" he kissed my lips. "Don't worry pouty face now pack before we miss our flight!" Was all he said before walking out the room.

"Aidennn" I called after him. "You said yes no backing out now" he said back. I started packing while chatting with one of my colleagues to keep me posted on the notes for class.  "Yeah I should be back in a week or so" I folded clothes into my suit case.

"Alright I'll text you the notes and we could FaceTime if you want", said Reggie. I was so thankful for him,"You're a life saver Reg." Aiden grabbed my phone,"She'll call you later we're busy." Then he hung up I glared at him,"Aiden what th-"

He shushed me,"Pack we have to go in half an hour." I folded my arms across my chest,"You don't just hang up when I'm talking to someone." He rolled his eyes,"You'll be fine and that Reggie guy who you so call a life saver will be fine to."

"Ugh your such an ass!" He smacked me hard on the ass. "What was that" I rubbed my butt,"Nothing gosh." We left after he threw me over his shoulder carrying me out the door. He's been in a rush and was so snappy lately.

We boarded the silver private jet with MK printed on the outside. Aiden's jet was about the same size as our family jet except different interior. Everything was all black and leather he grabbed my hand as we took a seat. The plane took off and I popped my head phones in staring out the window.

Aiden was checking something for work and the ride would be awhile. I stared at his peachy white skin he had a mid September shadow. I could smell Aiden's cologne which was a major turn on. The flight attendant walked by she smiled at Aiden. He dismissed her with a wave of his hand she bowed then walked away.

"Why did she bow to you that's weird" I said absentmindedly. He chuckled placing his hand on my lower thigh,"I don't know but she's had a crush on me ever since my brother hired her. I think they had a thing going on he stopped taking my jet but didn't have the guts to fire her."

I nodded,"Alrighty then." He leaned over and kissed me. "Mmm" I mumbled against his lips. He smiled,"I love you so much Camryn." I smirked,"Prove it." Reaching over he unbuckled my seat belt pulling me onto his lap.

Kissing my neck his hand slipped under my shirt. I pushed his head back he stared at me hungrily and slightly annoyed,"I have to use the restroom." I got up off his lap walking into the bathroom. I took a deep breath a little longer with those neck kisses and I was going to cave.

The door flew open I looked up through the mirror and turned around. Aiden frowned then pushed me up against the sink,"Don't ever walk out on me again." He kissed me pressing his hips against mine. So I could feel just how turned on he was. At my neck again I moaned letting him win this time.

After our hot make out session in the bathroom. I took my seat the blonde chick eyed me. I smiled turning my attention to the clouds rolling past the window. I dozed off then later woken up by Aiden whispering in my ear,"Baby we're going to land soon wake up."

I sat up stretching,"I've been asleep that long." He nodded,"Yeah and you were talking in your sleep." He raised an eyebrow up at me,"Are you sure you okay babe?" I bit my lip,"Yeah I'm fine."

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