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Is it possible to fall in love with someone all over again by just glancing at them in the corner of your eye. Sitting in Aiden's office I waited for him to end the call. I couldn't help but steal a couple of glances at the gorgeous man that stood over by the window his hand burrowed deep in his pocket brow furred as he talked intently on the phone.

I spun around in his office chair facing the black computer screen I stared back at my reflection. Things were looking up I had high hopes for the future and couldn't wait to start a family. We both agreed it would be best if we were smart about the situation and used protection. Although Friday night that rule flew out the window but I of course being the smart woman I am got on birth control.

Each day I got up in the morning taking those small pink pills with a glass of water. I often wanted to flush them and say the hell with it but that's not what I really wanted. The last thing I wanted to do was put myself and Aiden in a position where we were forced into something we wasn't ready for at the moment.

There was a knock on the door. Aiden's assistant popped her head inside. Her hopeful smile faded when she saw it was me sitting in Aiden's chair and not him. She then looked over at Aiden his back facing us as he chatted on the phone.

A smirk grew upon my face and I couldn't help but make her a tab bit angry. I got up walking over to Aiden placing my arms around his waist. He turned around and smiled before returning back to his conversation. His assistant Blare or whatever her names was turned red as a apple in the face.

Crazy how all the woman in the building swooned over Aiden. He wasn't the only attractive male that worked here. I'd seen many hot guys as I walked the halls lost searching for Aiden's office a few times. Of course there was Aiden's the boss he has the upper hand and oozes power.

I hadn't noticed that she'd left lost completely in my thoughts it seemed to happen a lot lately and often left me looking stupid in class when the instructor called on me. Aiden ended his call turning around planting a small peck on my lips,"You were thinking again?"

I chuckled staring up at him," Yeah I just don't know." He leaned down pressing his forehead against mine,"Well let me ease your mind and buy us both lunch my treat."

"Ahh I can't I really want to, but I really can't I have a class today I'm taking extra to get ahead" Aiden pouted I kissed his pouty face.

"Don't be sad my big baby", he smirked. "I think your the baby I'm more like the daddy."

I laughed," Really I don't think so Aiden."

"That's not what you were saying Friday night"

Gosh he gets me every time with that,"Your right papi"

"Papi ? Is that what you call me now" he said tugging at the my shirt.

"You wish" My watched beeped "I have to go" I pecked his lips.

He pulled me back wanting more I groaned against his lips," Aiden I really have to go."

"I know drive safe baby and call me when you get out of class" I nodded before opening the door and walking down the hall.

The other woman who passed me in the hall gave me unpleasant looks eyes filled with envy. I guess news travels fast around here I'm Mr. McKinley's girlfriend and she don't play about her man. I ignored the stares and whispers Aiden was mine and will always be forever.

Getting in the car I sat my purse down in the passenger seat sticking the key in the ignition. My phone rang in my purse I searched through my purse grabbing it without checking the caller I.D. Putting it to my ear I buckled my seat belt," Hello."

There was a small beep then a automated message came on the other end. I checked my rear view mirror backing out of my parking space. It was hell trying to get one when all these people worked here and visited constantly.

"This is a message from Isaac Russell from the Bay Correctional Facility would you like to accept this call" I hurried an clicked off the phone tossing it in the back seat.

I tried to labor my breathing and ease the grip I had on the steering wheel. This is the first time he's ever tried to contact me since the incident. He knows this violates the restraining order that took places months ago and that the judge said if he ever tried to contact me it would add on to his sentence.

After gaining my composure I started on my way to class. Grabbing my bag out the back seat I ran up the steps then opened the glass door walking down the hallway. Taking my seat I began to jot down notes.

My course was ending and then I had another in the spring. Of course I needed the break to catch up on family back in New York. We finished up and I walked out to my car my phone rang again this time I checked the caller I.D. It was Jasmine thank god I answered the phone putting it to my ear,"Wassup."

"Can you do me a huge favor and pick up me some milk from the store. I know you just got out of class and I didn't want to get dressed and go out." I sighed she's so lucky I'm her bestfriend,"Fine but fix dinner I'm coming over."

I ran to the store picking up her milk than headed over to her apartment. Knocking on the door I waited,"Jassy open the door." She opened the door I handed her the milk then sat my purse down on the table. "Your staying in that's a shocker", She laughed. "It's not going to last I have a date tomorrow night." I wonder who's this guy and hope he's not a jack ass like the rest of her ex's but I can't talk my exs aren't really a step.

"What's his name?" She put the milk in the fridge. "Paul he's tall, handsome, sweet and we've been talking for awhile now. This is going to be our first official date and I'm hoping it goes well." I now how that feels I'm happy for Jasmine she's found someone that makes her happy I think and I hope the date goes well too."

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