"He can be an ass sometimes"

3 0 0

Then everyone just went back to their work.

Thank goodness.

Mrs Belmont handed me a series of photos of the school. They were all black and white.

"We need these photos for the play except in colour", She explained.

"Ok", I replied quietly

"So today I would like you to work with Calum and Michael to go around the school, finding these places and making replicas of these photos", she finished.

I nodded and looked around the room at the vast amount of boys who could possibly be 'Calum' or 'Michael'. Eventually I noticed Mrs Belmont pointing over to the corner of the room where two tall boys stood, playing with the lens on a camera.

I made my way over to them and stuck out my hand. "Hi I'm...", I trailed off.
Was 'Dezdamona ' too nerdy? "Dezi", I finished quickly.

One of the boys, who had spiky blonde hair smiled goofily and shook my hand. "I'm Michael"!, he exclaimed loudly.

The other boy, who had dark brown hair turned around from the camera and smiled too. "I'm Calum", he said.

Well for the record, Calum was gorgeous. I mean it totally sounds cliche but really. He had dark brown, almost black eyes and the most incredible jawbone like, ever. I smiled, probably blushing like crazy and nodded towards the camera.

"So Mrs Belmont says we need to take some photos"?, I said, handing Michael the stack of pictures.

The boys nodded and Michael lifted up the camera from its stand.
"Let's go", he grinned.


I peered through the lens camera and made sure the camera was in place. It was. Michael paced along the courtyards pavement and then stopped behind me. "So.. who showed you around"?, he asked.

"Some guy called Luke", I replied, waving my hand at Calum as he wondered into the shot.

Michael smirked as Calum came over. "Did he have blonde hair"?, Calum asked, obviously having heard our conversation. I nodded, still looking into the camera and snapping photos.

"Yep that's Luke", Michael laughed.

"Well with all due respect Luke is an ass", I laughed back.

Calum nodded, grinning widely and replied "Yeah he can be an ass sometimes".

We laughed for awhile and continued walking around the school until the 5 minute warning bell rang. Then we headed back to class.

Calum and Michael whispered as we entered the classroom and I made my way over to the camera stand, to put it back. When I turned back around Calum was signaling Michael, who was on the other side of the room. Michael raised his eyebrows and ran off.

Calum shook his head and turned back to me. He jumped when he noticed I was right there. "Oh hey um... Dezi", he said quickly.

I smiled awkwardly.

"So I was wondering, do you wanna sit with us at lunch"?, He asked.

"Um sure", I replied nodding. "But for now I have to go to English".

I started to walk past him but he jumped in front of me.
"Hey! I have English next too"!, He exclaimed excitedly. "And so does Ashton and Luke"!, He added.

I nodded brightly and said "See you there then".


Another chapter done Hooray

When I typed the Hoo in Hooray my autocorrect made it 'hooker' lol

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Another long one yayaysya

Whenever I try to say yay it always ends up saying yaya. Idk why.

I love you amazing marshmallows goodbye


SOS || Calum Hood|| still publishingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora