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Song: All I Need by Within Temptation

Skyler McKinnley placed her hand on the cold stone wall. The painful memories start shoving their way back to her thoughts. Flashbacks of what they use to be would eventually find their way out of the cage hidden deep within her mind, despite all her efforts of trying to throw away the key. But this time she let it. She took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes, allowing darkness to overwhelm her.

Four friends. Two boys and two girls, one whom was herself. They were all smiling- laughing, watching movies in an old abandoned building using a blanket and a projector. They were young. Foolish. They would play manhunt at night. Talked for hours every time they had the chance. There was also the other boy with the green eyes. Obsessed with indie music and photographs. He would fall every time he tried to skateboard but always end up laughing. With him, time seemed limitless, like an illusion made to shorten the moments. He was someone she had met outside of school unlike her other three friends whom she had known her whole life. 

But that fairy tail story took place all before two years ago. The chapters were turning and that fairy tail turned out to just be a delusion. It was before everything happened. Before she found out she was a  some sort of guardian and before her friends truly revealed who they were. Before all the lies, the secrets, and the agonizing pain caused by those which were once her whole life. And to avoid sounding too sadistic, before she was faced with the ultimate betrayal.

Fighting back the tears, she slowly opened her eyes, pushing the thoughts aside. Putting them back to where they belonged in the back of her mind. She looked around her to the place that use to be filled with the best memories - Now filled with hauntings from the past. The white stone walls in the hallway were still covered in vines and cracks like it had been two years ago. One thing that hasn't changed.

In a split second, the silence that once surrounded her disappeared and was all of a sudden filled with loud banging. Looking around Skyler thought it was her imagination at first. That she was officially going crazy. But then came the screams. So she ran. A painful feeling grew in her stomach as the yelling grew louder. A normal person would usually run away from the ear-piercing sound, but she wasn't a normal person.

She heard a guy yell. It A low voice that echoed in the halls, but she couldn't distinguish the words.

"Please!" another one pleaded faintly. Female this time.

She ran the corner in time to hear a girl laugh. A cruel laugh. A laugh that was all too familiar. One she'd never thought she'd hear again. Following the noises she got closer to  the biggest part of this building where the screams seemed to be coming from. Hidden in her boots, she pulled out small blades from their holster. They were black and thin, but sharp enough to cut through thin wood. If New York and training with Alex taught anything, it was to always carry a weapon. Quickly, Skyler ran through the doors and immediately froze. Stomach twisted, breath staggered. On the far side of the gym lay a dead body of a small boy, knife in his chest. Next to him on the wooden floor, a pool of blood.

She clutched her stomach, sick and noxious. He looked around ten, his long black hair soaked with his own blood and his skin pale like ghosts. At the same time she forgot how to breath. It was like everything around, including time itself  just stopped. She finally got herself to look away from the body when she heard weeping elsewhere. She wasn't alone. Turning her head to the other side of the gym, That's where she  saw them.

Kayla Harris, Hunter Jackson, Jordan Coleman, and Christian Sage. The sight of them all of a sudden caused her heart to stopped.

This isn't real she thought to herself

She wasn't ready, not even close and probably never will be. She'd spent the last two years hiding from them. Now Skyler was basically twenty feet from the people she never wanted to be anywhere near.

Jordan and Christian were hovering over Kayla who lay on Hunters lap. Her eyes were closed, Her face lifeless And pale. You wouldn't imagine the surprising relief of seeing her chest, very slowly, go up and down. None of them had noticed her at first. It was hard to resist the temptation of running towards them. Instead She turned around slowly and started to go back as quietly as possible. She didn't get very far because then she heard it again. The all too familiar laugh.

"Skyler McKinnly long time no see"

Shivers ran down her spine. It became obvious who it was. She didn't even have to look behind her to know that there stood a tall girl on the other side with long Jet black hair that reached the hips. Wearing the shortest tight black dress. Another face from the past.



This was not the beginning of her story. No, not at all. The beginning to this story started even before two years ago. However the painful beginning was nothing compared for what was to come now. Don't worry however, because as to no-ones advantage, you'll find out eventually that the past will always catch up to to you. Always.

Just as I will....

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