Song: Wake Up by Eden
Confusion overwhelmed me. I'd never thought to see those cold icy blue eyes again, considering the events that occurred during our last interaction. Glancing over to Kayla and others, I felt all the eyes staring strait towards me, filled with the same confusion and shock I was also feeling. They seemed speechless. Kayla was still unconscious but they were all paying attention to me now.
"Skye..." I heard Christian whisper softly under his breath. His green eyes connected my light brown ones. It was flooded with innocence that I knew was a lie. So why did his voice seem like a stab to my heart?
I looked away, bringing my attention back to Nikita. I needed to stay focused. No unnecessary distractions as Alex would say.
She scoffed and looked back and forth between me and my friends. With her soft English accent she spoke bodily, "They still don't know, do they? About you? Not that I can say i'm surprised."
"Nikita." I said, the name rolling off like small knifes on my tongue. I felt the cold handle on my blades become warm from my tight grip. "How are you even here?"
She laughed loudly, her voice powerful "Secret. You seem to forget, I never told you everything. Either way you won't live long enough to know. I've gotten stronger Skyler, I won't let this end like last time" She looked up, chanting words that seemed Latin. Her eyes rolled back and laughed. Wings uncured from her back, unraveling like those of an eagle's and resembling those of a dark angle from the myths you would hear as a child.
I stumbled back from astonishment. The overwhelming feeling of confusion got stronger. I held my ground and met her determined gaze. "Your right. This won't end up like last time, this time you'll stay dead. I killed you once, I can kill you again."
She laughed again. "You poor girl, you're just as stupid as them if you think you'll win." Nikita flew over me, strong winds blowing my long brown hair everywhere, she ducked and I threw one of my blades at her. It only made a scratch on her arm but Nikita still winced at the pain. This blade was magic of course but maybe if I'd actually payed attention to Alex during his lessons, my aim would've been better. I held on to the other blade, again Nikita flew over me, trying to use flight as her advantage. She was able to knock me down and cut my cheek with her wings but the blade cut her lower stomach and Nikita fell to the ground, but stood back up unaffected. It wasn't a deep cut but it was suppose to be good enough to sting. She looked at me, then looked over to where Kayla and the others were. She smiled and flew up.
I saw Christian and Jordan stand their ground, unaware that they were about to fight a losing battle. For a second, I did nothing. Then my body moved on it's own and I sprinted towards her, not knowing what to do.
It all happened so fast I didn't even realize what happened. But Nikita all of a sudden was on her knees, screaming out in agony as she clutched her face.
"What the bloody hell did you do!" She yelled, her voice almost cracking. Her expression shocked.
I looked down on what use to be my empty hand realizing it was now holding a bright glowing sword. I was as shocked as she was. The blade was long and thin but it was sharp. Nikitas blood on floor proved so. The handle had a design that looked like it belong to the elves in that hobbit movie and the feeling it presented was to breathtaking to even be described. However as soon as it appeared, it disappeared, leaving my hand throbbing and bleeding which was weird because I saw no cuts.
All at once I lost my balance and collapsed on the ground feeling weak and light headed.
"SKYLER" someone yelled in the background. I tried to suck in air but it just wasn't happening. My hands where shaking now, with a weird feeling. It didn't take long before darkness consumed me.

Everything Has Changed
FantasíaA lot happened two years ago... Two years ago, Skyler McKinnley was faced with the ultimate betrayal by the people she loved the most. Two years ago, she discovered that she was the guardian to the Keepers of the Elements,whose role was to guide and...