Chapter Three

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Song: Remembering Myself by Stephen

His hazel eyes and leather jacket were intimidating. He didn't look that much older than me. Probobly around my age, maybe in his early twenties. Or maybe even older. As much as I'd hate to admit it, there was no denying the fact that this guy looked like a God. He was tall and built, and his black hair fell perfectly on his structured face.  At the moment however, he seemed like a stalker and a killer claiming to know me. I knew from my experience in New York there was no chance I was going to take that risk but considering we were around other people I figued that for the moment, I was safe.

"How do you know who I am?" I demanded. I took a step back.

He smiled "We met before, at the bonfire, two years ago I think. I asked you for directions. God, you're probably the reason I'm still alive today"

I tilted me head in confusion.

He continued. "Okay, exaggeration. But if it weren't for you I would probably still be lost in the woods."

I recalled the memory of the bonfire. It was the day before Alex and I left for New York. I came home that day and Alex announced we were leaving to stay with one of his friends. Turned out he'd been planning it since that happened. It came as a shock but considering what happened during the bonfire I didn't refuse. We left a few days after.

"Hey look," he said, breaking the awkward  silence. "I'm not really good at this, but maybe we could go get coffee-"

"-Why would you want to hang out with me?" I snapped. Probably so he could get me alone and kill me.

He put his hands up in defense "I'm just trying to be polite, and considering you just spilled my coffee I thought you would be nicer. But hey, whatever right? I already have to much crap going on anyway"

I looked down at the coffee then back to the guy who was already walking away. I guess lately my anxieties had power over me. Before thinking ahead I ran to catch up with him.

"Hey, wait" I yelled.

He turned around and looked at me. His smile was gone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude....I'm heading to the mall right now if you want to come. I probably don't deserve it but maybe I could buy you a coffee"

He thought for a minute. "Are you going to snap at me again?"

I smiled. "Depends. Are you going to attempt to kidnap me?"

"If I was contemplating kidnapping you, It would be after I get my free coffee"


We walked to the mall together in silence and ordered coffee in a small café where we sat across from each other on a small wooden table. Not much people we're in the mall and the only thing that occupied the awkward silence between us was the gentle flow of the fountain nearby.

I started. "So how come you remember me after all this time? I don't recall giving you my name?"

He put his coffee down. "Uh, well during the bonfire, I asked around for you because you didn't seem okay at the time. After that it was liked you disappeared and I never saw you again. Thought you were a ghost."

I laughed softly. "You seem to get me during bad times. Once again I'm sorry. I'm usually not like that snappy like that."

"I certainly hope so. Mind telling me why?"

"Family problems" I lied. There's was no point in explaining the truth to a stranger. "What about you, You said you already had 'too much crap' to deal with."

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