chapters 13-14

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Chapter 13- the missing prince

A select group of lions, only those who were close to Kovu: Kiara, Simba, Nala, Vitani, Sarabi, Sarafina, Zazu and of course Kovu's new found parents, were allowed to attend this 'explanation' where all of the pieces of this ever-more confusing puzzle would be put into place.

It would be explained by life history.

"I think we best start with names. I am Mshindi." Announced the king.

"And I am Kakao" added the queen.

"I am going to start with the life of Zira, for your life, Kovu, will make no sense without it." Started Mshindi.

"It began when Kakao became pregnant, at the age of 17. My father had promised to pass the throne down to me when I had my first born cub. And so, the day our cub, a little girl, was born, I became a king." And Mshindi's eyes began to well with tears.

"We called her Ufalme. It means royalty. And royalty she may have been, but she was stubborn and spoilt, but the only thing she wanted more than the prides love, respect and worship was adventure." He sniffed.

"She went, one day, and didn't come back for days. We thought we'd lost her, we feared the worst, when at the age of 12, she came home, after 5 days of being missing." He paused.

"To announce that she'd met a boy" growled Kakao.

"A boy that was not in our pride."

"My uncle?" Snarled Simba

Kakao nodded

"We had no choice but to exile. So she changed her name... To Zira." Spat Mshindi

"At only 15 she became pregnant with a baby. Only months before Simba took scar over. The child that was born was a rather un-promising king, so just before Simba returned, they had another, a daughter. They named her Vitani, and at the same time Kakao and I had another child, we named him Bwana. He was beautiful, our pride and joy. But somehow, word of this child spread. We awoke one morning, our little Bwana was only two weeks old. But he was not wailing, as he usually did to be freed from his crib and let free to explore. I rushed to where he should have been, but he was gone. I smelled around and I smelt him... But a girl. Zira. She had taken him. She had taken our son as our own." Mshindi began to weep.

"We never heard of our son again." Kakao told them.

"What about when I was born?" Asked Kovu.

"Kovu... You were...Are Bwana." Smiled Mshindi. Now you need to tell us about your life.

Chapter 14- the life of the stolen prince

All eyes settled on Kovu. He breathed deeply.

"I have a memory. I don't know if it was real or not but I was in someone's mouth and they were running. Fast. I heard a voice yelling behind me but whoever had me didn't stop. It took a while, and they had me around my belly, their teeth digging into my sides. And then, suddenly, they stopped and let me go. There was a lion stood above me and they said something, before the lion picked me up again and ran." He recalled

"That sounds sounds like what Manja told me when we lost you. She found you and went to get us but when we'd got there you were gone. Zira'd taken you to scar, and then they had taken you. Anyway, how about your childhood?" Asked Kakao

"Who's Manja?" Interrupted Kiara.

"A banana beak bird like zazu!" Giggled Kakao.

"Anyway, I want to know about you Kovu." Smiled Mshindi.

"Ok, well I grew up with Vitani here. She was my whole life. We hid together when Zira was angry, backed each other up when Nuka tried to get us in trouble. I was only young when I met Kiara. It was then Zira hatched a plan for me to... well... get close to Kiara then kill Simba. She trained me to be what she wanted me to be, but her plan failed. I fell in love with Kiara and I am the happiest I have ever been." Explained Kovu in the least complicated way possible.

Then Mshindi began to clear his throat.

"Simba, Nala, Kakao, can I speak to you?" He asked.

The Lion King 4 : Vita Kuu (great war) aka Kiara and Kovus prideWhere stories live. Discover now