The abduction

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I opened my eyes having hallucinations... A strong white glow was obscuring my view. I tried to move but in vain. I was tied on a bed and I also felt the same nausea that I had felt during my last encounter with him... I heard a beeping sound : beep, beep, .... , beep and silence. Suddenly the strong light went off and I could discern two figures in the distance. I couldn't see their faces though due to my poor eyesight. I wasn't fearful. I was in a state of equilibrium in some mysterious way. One of them came closer and at that moment I could see his face. It was an ugly eerie creature with oval face, small mouth and big round eyes full of hatred. It was tall maybe two meters in height and it was wearing a white cloak. It seemed larger than life to me.

"Do you want to eat?" He asked. His pronunciation was digitized as if there was a machine translating his language to English. "Yes, I am really hungry and I would make do with some water", I replied. The other creature - a shorter one - approached me holding some kind of bottle in his hands. He reluctantly placed the bottle to my lips and I managed to drink a small amount of it. It was a thick tacky liquid with an unfamiliar taste and smell. I instantly felt a warmth inside my stomach and a sense of satiation. I was not hungry any more!

After a minute or so I was given something to smell and the sense of nausea disappeared. It was like the clouds inside my mind dispersed. I was feeling energetic but at the same time anxious. It was the time that I came to the realization that I was imprisoned somewhere! My situation was more than perilous. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" I shouted. My voice slightly confounded him but the creature nodded and I was released from my bonds. I was on the ball again having my eye out for anything. I slowly stood still and had a look around me just to have a spatial sense. I was inside a big well-lighted room with transparent walls. To my amazement, I perceived something weird out of the wall : I could see the moon at a breathtaking distance and in the background the Earth!

"Have I been kidnapped?" I asked them. The tall creature looked deep in my eyes and produced a shrieking laugh. It was the moment when I saw a small scar on my shoulder. After I thoroughly fumbled it I realized that there was a tiny needle with a blue-illuminated end beneath my skin. The tiny light went stronger due to external stimuli. "What have you done to me?" I cried in a fit of temper! "We have just carried out some kind of experiment on you. As you humans say, you are now a guinea-pig." he answered. Full of hate I dashed into him but before I reach him a thrust of a strong laser beam hit me right on my forehead causing me great pain and making me lose my balance and fall down. "You idiot! How could you believe that you can cause us any harm? You have only managed to wound one of us on earth because there, we are semi immortals!" he shouted.

I felt so week and stranded and made a last attempt to get answers : "Now what, you obnoxious face? What is going to be your next move? To kill me? Hit me with your strongest beam and make it quick!" I yelled. "No, no, that is not going to happen, you fool. You are to be send back to Earth and you are going to be our informant from now on," he calmly replied. "How could it cross your mind that I could willingly do that for you?" I asked once more. "I have not even implied that human. Now your knowledge is just rudimentary. Presumably, you will be given concise instructions until you swear allegiance. You will be a kind of puppet," he said and with another nod the lights went off and a weird smell filled the room making me throwing in the towel and losing consciousness...

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