Back to Earth

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I woke up in a familiar place. I was inside my house once again! I looked out of my window. It was evening and dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon. I covered my face with my sweaty hands and apprehended what my situation was. Manifestly, my life was not to return to its normality. I could feel it. I could remember everything. The spacecraft, the aliens, the pain that I had experienced. Everything. I had read stories about extraterrestrials that had kidnapped humans and after they had returned home they were not able to remember anything. They were hypnotized. Not me and I could tell why. I was the special one. The one that would be their puppet in order to have their precious load of minerals. I was just down for the count.

I stood still and searched the house in case that somebody was there. I found nobody. I checked the landline phone and it worked. "This is the perfect chance to call the police" I thought. I dialed the number and after two beeps a voice was heard "You have called the police. How can I help you?". "Good evening officer I am Paul Danton. I am in a real trouble. Come over here quickly. I have to talk to you in private!" I replied. "What is it Paul? You sound rather uptight! I am coming along".

As soon as I hung up the phone I realized that I had to convinced him that I was in a great danger and I needed his protection. I was waiting behind the closed door having butterflies in my stomach when suddenly I heard the sound that tires produce while swerving over loose stones. I forced the door open and made my way towards the car. It was already pitch dark outside. The officer appeared and we shook hands. "Please Ben sit down I want to tell you something of great importance" I started. "What is the matter?" he replied while sitting down.

"I do not know where to begin from. The facts that I am going to reveal to you are not easy for anyone to believe" I stated. "I can see Paul that you are deeply troubled. What's eating you?" he replied. "To make a long story short, I was kidnapped by aliens. They have installed a chip inside my shoulder and they control my sensory organs and emotions" I continued. The news astounded him at first but after a while he gave me a stern look and said "Have you realized what you are saying right now? That you have been abducted by aliens. Please pull yourself together!". Fiercely and in a fit of temper I ripped my shirt off and while showing him my naked shoulder I shouted "Look at that scar! They have put a micro chip underneath my skin and do not dare to discredit me ever again!".

"Don't joke with me! There isn't a scar there. What are you talking about?" the officer exclaimed! He was right! To my amazement the scar has disappeared! "Err, I do not know what to say Ben. I cannot explain it. I swear that it was a scar with a blue light beneath it." I sadly said. "Hold your horses Paul! I would bent over backwards to help you and you know it, but your allegations are totally unfounded. I cannot give you the benefit of the doubt. Furthermore, I have a tight schedule and I am wasting my time here. I have got to go now". He replied briskly.

I remained silent watching him enter his car and drive away. I was extremely flustered. Was it just a horrible dream? Did someone play a prank on me? I sat down trying to calm down. I made myself a cup of tea and I took a potent tranquilizer pill. After an hour or so I was running on fumes and closed my eyes. My body was still but my brain was active. I had a nightmare about me shooting the alien once more but I missed him anew. Suddenly, I heard a low voice whispering through my ear "I told you that you are alone. No one will ever believe you". I forced my eyes open and saw a figure in the dark! His eyes were wide open and his mouth wore a grin smile. "You silly. That was a lesson for you just to see that you are hopeless" he said. I surged towards him and hit him with such a power that knock him down. He was lying on the floor unconscious.

I lit a lamp up and bend over him. His face was aged and had deep wrinkles. His eyeballs were as black as a charcoal. There were neither eyelashes nor eyebrows. His nose was small and his ears were large with a triangular end. His mouth was small and his lips were white like the color of his skin. It was definitely an eerie creature! While I was trying to think of my course of action I heard a high-pitched sound. I directed my eyes towards the window and saw a flying disk hovering just outside my house! I spontaneously grabbed my rifle and hid beneath the window frame. It was time to meet my destiny.

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