Up a creek

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I looked astonished as the whole body of the policeman disappeared from the face of the Earth! I felt a lump in my throat and tried to think of our next move. Suddenly a voice was heard: "Center here. What is going on Phillip?" Silence. "Phillip, I can see your car's co-ordinates on the screen. Can I assist you in any way?" Silence once more. At that time I reckoned that I needed to do something and to be quick; I picked my mobile phone just to realize that the signal was absent. "Turner, I know that the signal in this area is strong but now it's lost". As a response he grabbed his receiving set, pressed the button and said at the top of his voice: "To anyone who hears me. We are in great trouble two kilometers away from Barton city on road 52. Call the police immediately!"

Before he could hear a response, a strong light partially blinded me making me lift my elbow in front of my eyes. "Humans, we do not want to hurt you. Get out of your car without question!" I remained frozen with my mouth half-opened. "Turner, we must obey them," I urged him in a hushed voice. "Have you lost your marbles? This is the most stupid thing that I've ever heard in my life! Drastic times call for drastic measures!" he responded in a fit of temper while breaking the silence by stepping on the gas once more. At the drop of a hat he turned left into the lash forest escaping the strong light. He had just pulled a rabbit out of a hat!

He drove cautiously but at the same time at a quick pace. "There is method in my madness. We need to reach the cave and hide there," he shouted. "We are up the creek. I don't think that we will make it but I will be down with whatever you decide," I replied full of agony. After two minutes he stopped his car and rushed out. He picked a military net and I help him cover the entire vehicle. "Now let's run to the cave! Take this pistol with three additional magazines and follow me!" he shouted at the top of his lungs while taking with him a rucksack. As we were running we heard the same humming sound nearby! A strong spot light was searching for us and I saw the disc hovering some 50 meters above the tallest tree. "Hurry up! Let's enter the cave!" We reached its opening and with a huge leap we entered. Our hearts were pounding hard as we were waiting for the inevitable to happen. I was on edge.

"Listen Paul. Sirens!" It must have been the police which had probably found the empty police car. A hesitant smile formed on my lips thinking that there was a ray of hope. "I have distress rockets with me and I could use them in order for the police to find us," he exclaimed. "Yes but the aliens could easily spot us also," I said after some thought. "Let's hide and wait," I concluded.

The sound that the flying saucer produced grew louder and louder as it landed some hundred meters from our position. That was the time of truth for us. Turner withdrew from his right pocket a pair of night vision binoculars and looked through them. "Five or six creatures are spreading around the area right now. They are wearing a mask probably to be able to see in the dark!" It was my turn to see through the equipment. They came close to the car but they couldn't spot it due to the camouflage. "We did a great job Turner. They are not going to find us," I said while having misgivings.

After a minute or so, one of them noticed something and called the others: "Kolabi, sca ti mona". They had found our footsteps and one of them pointed at the cave! That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "It is now or never!" said Turner through his teeth and fired the flare towards the night sky. "Now let's move deep in the cave. I know it like the back of my hand. I could walk it blindfolded if I had to. Come on and be quick!" he continued while grabbing me by the wrist.

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