17 1 0

NOTE:(all abbreviations will be listed at the end of the chapter. I would suggest looking at those to understand what I'm referencing)

"Did you get him?" A voice whispers in my ear.

"Looks like it, now let's get out of here before the D.O.G.S go up.

" Looks like it?" She gives me a inquisitive look. Pulling out the flashplane, she throws it into the air over the base. "Flash away eta 30 seconds." She says into her mic. " let's hope they get here in time." She says with little bits of panic in her voice.

We roll off the hill 2 miles from the base when the MTA Hawk arrives behind us. Jumping in, I buckle up as the pilot violently takes off the ground and throws the multi-rotor forward to get away as quickly as possible, flying low over the hills, passing a few fellow craft who didn't make it out in time.


"... And I want to know why the defence grid never saw this." Blake yell at everyone, scurrying around trying to get the defence grid up before the intruders leave the vicinity.

"Sir, I've got a lock on a Hawk class scout helicopter leaving gunstation range."

"What about emp cannons?" Blake yells as the radars find, locate and project the craft on the front screen.

Another officer calls out "they will be out of range in 40 seconds, cannons are up in 30"

All the sudden the front main screen turns brilliant white, blinding almost everyone in the dark room.

"Airborne flash detonated above runway, all systems rebooting 10 seconds till online." State Captain Rogers. " No sign of enemy in radar. Radio on craft unresponsive.

Blake looks out at the now quieting security room. "Launch the F.A.S.T planes and take them out," immediately two officers turn to there screens and launch the drones from their underground tubes. "Callsigns Delta and Charlie are up and weapons free, target main systems and bring down this craft with survivors."

Hawk pilot

" No no no NO NO!" I shout.
Agent 62 and 54 both look to me, then quickly back as the flashplane's light slowly dies of out but replaced by two rockets exiting the ground and turning over to chase us.

I push the flight stick all the way forward hoping to get more speed as we now, run for our life's. Everyone who is a pilot for Amra knows the statistics, 40 missions, not one able to escape the defence grid. I quickly glance at the picture of me and my wife, the last time I will probably get to look at her with these eyes.

" 62,54, pull out the machine guns and get ready for a fight." I put on my headphones and pressed play on the mp3 I brought along. "The last goodbye" I called it. The side guns come to life as I hear my own voice speaking softly.

"My name is Calvin Richard, UN Spec ops Advanced pilot number 107 of the Halsey project. I wish the rest of this recording to my wife. Hey Katrina..."

I watch as the middle lock alarm flashes in my face, as bullets zip by my windshield. " HANG ON !" I yell to 62 and 54. I slam the stick all the way to the left, away well as pulling back. I watch as the g meter flips to 5 then slowly falls as I sharply whip the craft around. I watch as one of those drones quickly turns into a vertical climb. But the other one spits out smoke as it continues on a straight course right at us.

"... I'm sorry that you have to go through with this, without me. But just know, I wanted to do this, something I love and as my last mission, to finally spend time with you, will have to be put on hold for now. I found my love and my life with you, but don't quit yours for me. Sincerely you husband, Calvie."


DOGS: Defencive operations gun ships (aka f.a.s.t)

F.A.S.T: Fast assault scout tactical (plane)

A.M.R.A: Anti Military Resistance Army

Hope you liked the chapter, I'll try and put out another one within the week,so...

Stay addicted my friends

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