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Author's Note: Hey, sorry I forgot to tell you that Zayn won't be in the story. I love Zayn, but he isn't in the band anymore so I thought it would be weird to write him in here.

Victoria' POV.

I wake up in a wooden chair with my hands tied behind my back. I turn to my left and right to not see Jaden and Jada anywhere. We are best friends and since we go to the same high school, we live together in a small home in North Georgia. Jada is 17, I am 17, and Jaden is 18.

I realized I was zoning out so I shook my head and observed my surroundings. I started to panick. This was definitely not my house.

I facepalmed myself. Correction. I TRIED to facepalm my self, but I soon realized that my hands were still tied to the chair. This caused me to fall backwards in the chair. In the process, probably looking like walrus having a seizure as I fell back.

But did I scream in pain like a normal person? No. I just keep cracking up while .


"Hello??" I whisper yelled.

I hear a door open and a young man pops his head in. You have got to be kidding me.

"Oh for fuck's sake." I sighed. This is just one of those dreams.

Hey sorry for the short update I will try to update tomorrow! Just so you know Jada and Jaden are my real life friends and will be in the story. Jada likes heavy metal rock. Jada doesn't really like any of the music I like (except Shawn Mendes and 5sos) she has black hair and brown skin and is super cool (unlike me).

Jaden on the other hand likes One Direction, but she says she is not "obsessed" (even though I know she secretly is). She loves Shawn Mendes too. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She loves Liam the most and is iffy about Louis. She says he is ugly. She also thinks Harry is attractive. (Just between you and me I think she hit her head a little to hard as a baby). She also likes Niall and Zayn. (I personally think she is a low-key directionator)

I put them in here because they help me with ideas for my story.


Who do you ship with who?

Jada and Niall?

Jada and Louis?

Jada and Harry?

Jada and Liam (idk)?

Victoria (me kinda) and Niall?

Victoria and Louis (kind of like this one)?

Victoria and Harry (like this one too)?

Victoria and Liam(idk)?


Jaden and Niall?

Jaden and Louis (don't know how that will work)?

Jaden and Harry (same)?

Jaden and Liam (she would probably like this one)?

Sorry for the long author's note, but I had a lot to explain.

Thanks for reading

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