Spin da bottle

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Jaden's P.O.V.

Drama, drama, and more drama. That is all that's been happening for a while. Finally, I just decide to upstairs and explore the rooms.

I find a door cracked and go into it. I look around and see Liam sitting at a desk. I turn, trying to go out silently, when unfortunately, I back up into the door and it slams shut. Loudly.

Liam turns around and the sight of him immediately takes me aback. His eyes are blood red, and his face looks wet with tears. "What're you doing in here?" he asks, his voice cracking.

"Umm, that's not important at the moment. What's wrong with you?" I ask sitting on the bed preparing some words of encouragement.

"Nothing that I can't handle. You should go hang with the lads. I'll be down in a little bit."

I'm surprised at how honest he was and how he didn't even try to deny that something was wrong. "Oh no Buster. You are not getting rid of me that easy. What's wrong?"

"I'm not gonna burden you with it. I'll be fine," he says stubbornly.

I think of what Jada would say at a time like this. "No. You will tell me what's making you cry right this minute!" I say, trying to be bossy like Jada.

It works. He finally breaks down. "Sophia just called and we broke up...and she invited me to come with her and her friends to dinner. She said I could bring someone, but it pains me to think of her with someone else."

"Why would she ask you to go with her?" I say, confused. If I broke up with my boyfriend, I'd want to stay as far away as possible.

"She wants to be friends."

"I think you should go. Try to be friends with her. However, be honest with her. If you like her, tell her so. Make sure she knows that being friends with her is gonna be hard, but try to get over her. Be happy for her." I hope that helped a little bit.

He nods, contemplating my advice. "I like that idea. Now I just have to find someone to go with me."

"Go to a club and meet someone," I say. "Or go with the guys. Just because you don't have a girlfriend, it doesn't meet you can't have fun."

He smiles. "I'll ask the lads if they want to go."

Jada comes in fast, practically knocking down the door. "Stop saying 'lads'!! Do we really need to go over this again? Geez. Come on Jaden," she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room.

Jada's P.O.V

I pull Jaden out of the room and turn back to Liam. "You okay?" I ask.

He nods. "Jaden helped."

"Good," I say. "Now compose yourself and get you're a*s downstairs. We're about to play spin the bottle."

I turn out of the room and follow Jaden downstairs. The guys, Vic and Jaden are sitting in a circle. "Alright let's get this party started!" I say as Liam comes down the stairs. "Alright, the rule are that you spin the bottle, and you either have to kiss the person, or complete a dare by them. Got it?"

"I have a feeling that a lot of dares are going to be completed tonight," Niall says, chuckling. "Who's first?"

"I'm already ahead of you," I say, taking straws out of my pocket. "Whoever draws the shortest straw goes first."

They all take straws, and Vic has the shortest. "Just my luck," she mumbles. I laugh.

She spins and it lands on Niall. "Ummm, I think I'll take the dare," she says, looking at Louis.

Niall says, "I dare you to tell us something that no one here knows about you."

"Ok," Vic says, thinking of something. "I have a poster of ya'll in my fridge."

It's dead silent for a while, then everyone just bursts out laughing. "What??!!" I say. "How come I don't know about this?? Where is it in your fridge?"

"On the side," she says, her face turning the color of a tomato.

"That has got to be the weirdest place that a poster of us has been put!!" Harry says.

"Nope," Liam says. "I knew this girl who said she had a photo of us in her panties."

That only makes us laugh harder!

When everyone calms down, Vic says, "Ok now it's your turn Jada." I go to the middle of the circle and spin the bottle. It goes around a few times before settling and pointing toward Harry. "Oh hell to the no!" I yell. "I'll take the dare."

Harry looks unfazed by my harsh words. "I guess I'll ask the same question that Niall did."

I have to think a minute before I come up with something. "The only thing I can think of is the time a guy shoved me against a brick wall and tried to slip his hand down my pants."

"What did you do?" Harry asks.

"I shoved him away, slapped him, and walked off.

"You didn't even scream?" Liam asks.

"Now that I think about it, I didn't."

Vic's P.O.V.

The game goes on for a while, and so far, the only people that have kissed are Louis and I. Nevertheless, we've learned a lot of stuff about each other that we didn't know.

"Alright it's your turn again, Jada."

Jada goes in the middle again, spins the bottle, and it lands on Harry again. The horror on her face is hilarious.

"Um, I think the bottle is broken," she says annoyed. "I do not want to do a dare right now."

Everyone starts chanting, "KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS!!" Jada goes toward Harry, hesitates a little, and then kisses him.

Jada's P.O.V.

Not that I like him or anything, but Harry is a good kisser.

We break apart, and I go back to my seat.

Harry's P.O.V.

Woah. What the heck just happened? That was awesome. I thought for sure that she'd choose the dare again. She is a great kisser. I looked at Niall. He has seemed a bit down in the dumps ever since Louis and Victoria kissed.

"Niall what's wrong?" I whispered while Jaden spun the bottle.

"Umm. Well it's just....why didn't Victoria kiss me, but she kissed Louis? Is there something wrong with me?" He says quietly.

"What?! No, Niall there is nothing wrong with you! It's complicated. But, Liam hasn't gotten kissed either." I say hopefully.

"KISS. KISS. KISS" I hear as I turn around to see Liam and Jaden share a brief kiss.

Oops, I spoke too soon.

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