Mall Adventures and Broken Hearts

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Liam's P.O.V.

Holy mother**king sh*t... Did I say that? This girl has me cussin'. That girl can kiss. I mean, I didn't really do anything except sit there and let her kiss me.

"So, Liam... what's happening with Sophia?"

Sophia who?

"Um, well. We broke up the other day actually.... Then she actually just called and asked me to come with her and her friends to dinner on Saturday. I'm thinking of saying yes." I reply to Harry.

"Oh, I'm sorry man... Who are you bringing?"

Without thinking I say, "Jaden."

What the h*ll am I doing? Why do I keep cussing in my head? This girl has my head spinnin'.

"What??!!" Jada and Vic say at the same time. Jaden just stares at me with her mouth practically on the floor.

"I mean if she wants too..." I trail off disappointedly.

"OF COURSE SHE WILL!!" Jada says pushing Jaden toward me before running around the living room like a maniac. I catch Jaden from nearly falling and she smiles.

"Of course I'll go with you Liam!" She says giving me a hug. "I'm not just going to let you go there by yourself, right?"

"You know what I realize now?" Victoria says. "We really aren't even kidnapped anymore."

"What is it then?" Louis said smirking "Surprise adoption?"

Victoria scrunches up her nose. "Umm, no. Because then you'd become my father, and that'd just be gross."

"Ok, forget I said that," Louis says with disgust.

Jaden's P.O.V.

What am I gonna wear? What will I get at the restaurant? What if the menu's in French and I can't read it and I make a fool of myself. What if I forget to brush my teeth and my breath smells terrible? What if I go to dance but I trip and face plant on the floor?

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" Jada asks. "Oh, wait, you're nervous aren't you?"

All I can do is nod.

"Don't be. We are going shopping first thing in the morning to get you your outfit."

"I don't have any money, Jada," I say.

"Don't worry about that," she says. "I'll get one of the guy to lend us some. And Vic will get Louis to drive so Liam won't see what you'll be wearing."

I smile. Jada can be blunt and bossy, but I know there's nothing she wouldn't do for her friends. "Thanks J."

"No problem."

Harry's P.O.V.

"Ummm no, Jada. I am not giving you money to blow on outfits," I say. I already know I will, but I like teasing her to see that determined look on her face.

"The h*ll you won't. I'm gonna need 3oo dollars or whatever the h*ll you guys use in the UK. Cough it up." She is so cute when she is bossy. Which is practically all the time.

"You saying that isn't gonna change anything," I say to get her riled up one last time.

"Give. Me. The. Money. Now!" she says her expression now emotionless.

"Fine," I give in. Who can say no to her?

Victoria's P.O.V

While Jada is bribing Harry for cash, I decided to ask Louis if he could take us.

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