Chapter 3 "Officially Awful"

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Waking up at 6:00 am in the morning sucks.

It's my first day of school and so far it sucks. So far I have taken a shower and got dressed and I am already late.

Running downstairs I grab an apple and head out to my Yamaha and take off.

I run into the front office and up to the desk, probably looking like a madwoman.

"I... need my... schedule!" I say in-between breaths. The lady at the desk looks up at me her eyes widening. She automatically starts to frantically look for my schedule.

"Yes. Here it is." She says handing it to me, her eyes not meeting mine.

Confused I walk out of the office, looking at my schedule.


8:30 - 9:25 Mathematics (100)

9:30 - 10:10 Gym (The Gym)

10:15 - 11:00 English (202)

11:05 - 11:50 History (264)

11:50 - 12:30 Lunch (127)

12:30 - 1:20 Biology (275)

1:30 - 2:15 Art (200)

2:20 - 3:00 Spanish I (133)

I start off to room 100, frantically trying to remember where it is.




Walking into the lunchroom after the mornings' classes I see Miguel and walk over to him. Maxine is sitting at a table a few yards away. So far I've had math and English with Maxine but none with Miguel.

"Bro!" I walk over to him and give him a big hug.

"Let's go eat," I say walking over to the line of people, on the way bumping into someone. Everyone is now looking at us, or rather me, by now. Turning around I feel a pair of hard hands push me backward. I fall back and land on my butt. Let's just say I was fuming.

"Watch where you're going." I start to get up when I hear the person talking, recognizing the voice from somewhere. It is husky and low but soft. Looking up at the boy in front of me, I involuntarily gasp.

It's Taylor.

He looks at me confused like he doesn't remember me. "Do I know you?" He seems to have seen the recognition in my eyes.

I put on the fakest smile I can, jut out my hand, and say, "Hi, I'm Brody. Brody Blue."

His eyes light up and he starts to back away, obviously remembering who I am. And I remember that the first thing I was going to do was slap him so I do. Very hard I might add. He cringes back and I see people's faces light up around the room.

"How dare you let your Uncle throw me in jail! Your only punishment was being grounded! You son of a bitch." I start to blow up in his face.

"Oh Yeah! Well, I'm not the one who decided to rob a freaking millionaire!" Taylor is yelling now too, his last comment leaving me to decide what to say.

I hear a voice speak up from the crowd of people now forming around us, "No, your right. I did." it was Miguel. Disconnecting the stare down I looked over to Miguel and shook my head saying that this wasn't his fight, but he walked over to me anyway.

"I was the one who asked her to and I am very sorry that you both got punishments. But don't blow up on each other. Please." Pondering over Miguel's words I look around at the crowd of people and sigh.

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