Chapter 12 "One Night Stand's Are For P*****s"

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The bright, luminous sunlight shone through the window. I could feel the weight of Baxter's toned arm over my bare body. As I sat up and looked around the room, my eyes landed on a blue and grey electronic clock flashing the time 8:32.

"Shit!" My eyes scanned the room for my clothes. As I get up and put on my located clothes, Baxter starts to stir.

"Why the rush?" He says it so nonchalantly. I frantically point to the digital clock.

He curses under his breath and joins my search for clothes.

Then I stop. How am I going to get to school?

I slowly turn to look at the rushing Baxter in the middle of putting on his jeans. "Can you give me a ride to school?" He turns, smiles, and nods.

"What school do you go to?" I paused trying to remember the name.

"Oh, yeah. Summit high." Baxter straightens and laughs.

"I go there too!" I must have had a shocked look on my face because he starts to laugh again.

"It's a small world. Would you like a ride?" I roll my eyes. Of course, I want a ride!

"No. I'll just walk," I reply sarcastically and head into the bathroom. It occurs to me that I don't have my backpack or books but I don't care.

I open a few of the white drawers, trying to find a brush. Once I do, I brush out my matted hair and go to ask Baxter for a piece of gum. I then look down at my phone; 3 missed calls from my mom, 4 texts from Taylor, 2 calls from Jamie, and 2 texts from Miguel. I decide against looking at any of the texts.

Then I look down at what I'm wearing my Vans jacket, a Nike tank top, Some jeans, and black vans. I don't look that bad considering I spent most of the night on the ground. I quickly wash off the healing gash on the side of my head and cover it up with my hair. I then go to get my gum to cure my disgusting breath.

"Here you go," the boy with bead head says, handing me a piece of gum. We then make our way to his green 2 door jeep and head off to school, already almost an hour late.




As we stepped into room 100 for math,  everyone turned to look... including Taylor, which made me feel nervous. The whispers started immediately. Everyone, including Miguel, turned to a friend. Nervously fixing my hair around the wound, Baxter and I took our seats while the teacher continued the lesson. 

Taylor, being only a seat away, turns to me and starts to whisper-yell.

"Do you know how scared you mom was, not to mention Jamie too. I had to cover for you and say you fell asleep at Maxine's and spent the night there." I look at him with a fake frown.

"Aw, was Tay Tay worried about me?" He scoffs and sits back in the faded blue chair connected to the desk.

"No. I just don't like seeing people worry. It makes me stressed." I laugh and start to doodle on the worksheet in front of me. 




After Gym, English, and History (Most of which I slept through), is lunch. I go to sit with Miguel, Maxine, and Carla then I spot a familiar guy making his way through the crowds. 

Baxter Michaels Dalton.

I notice he sits at the same table as Taylor and his friends. As Baxter starts to dive into conversation with a brunette guy who I think is Heath, Taylor's face turns from jealous, to angry then his eyes search the loud cafeteria... until they find me. I can't help but wonder if Baxter told them about our one night stand. 

The loudspeakers in the room crackle, then a woman's raspy but high pitched voice fills the large room. 

"Taylor Cartel, please come to the Dean's Office, please. Taylor Cartel, please join us in the dean's office. Thank you, and sorry for the interruption."

Everyone's eyes are on his huge figure as he first walks over to me. The talking has stopped except for the occasional whisper. Grabbing my jacket, he pulls me out of the seat and shoves me up against the beige, paint-chipped wall. When he speaks, I can hear the anger. 

"I never, ever want to hear that you slept with one of my friends ever again. Especially not from him. Got it? And no more one night stands." I scoff loudly just to give the school a show since everyone's eyes are on me. 

I step on his foot. Hard too, so that he can feel it through his black, chukka vans. Taylor winces and lets go of me, growling. Making my way over to Baxter and their table, I shout over my shoulder. 

"'One night stands' are for pussies. But I will fuck, whoever I want to fuck. And for your information, this fine piece of meat if my boyfriend." My menacing but humorous tone make a few people chuckle, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Baxter's surprised face. "Got that, Tay Tay?" Once again small chuckles erupt from the teens around the room. 

I must say, what I do next even I do not expect. But within seconds of my outburst, Baxter's face is in my hands and his soft lips on mine. The crowd, as well as Baxter, goes crazy with applause, but before I can turn around to see Taylor's reaction, I hear a door slam shut. Turning I find no Taylor, but one pissed off Carla.

Apparently, I do not hide my confusion enough because she starts to explain. Ok... more like yell. 

"What the actual shit? Is there something going on between you and my boyfriend? Why are you so mean to him? I mean seriously! Jail turned you into a real bitch." Cue the bitch slap from me. Carla stands there in shock, her face slowly turning red. My eyes darken and everyone's smiles fade away. I grab Carla's wrist hard and yank her into the hallway.

"We need to talk." 

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