Chapter 15 "'Cause we gon' be up all night."

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Roshon Fegan as Marco


I wake up covered in scrapes and bruises. I am still in the same clothes as I was before but my jeans are ripped in several places revealing my scars plus fresh cuts. There is a terrible pain in my left side and as I sit up.

Looking around, I see that I am in my attic. The low beams are threatening to collapse right on my head. The brown wooden door leading downstairs is closed and so are the windows yet it's strikingly cold up here.

All of a sudden, a half-naked Taylor opens the door and comes up the stairs. I realize that I am in his bed. Quickly I get up and find a stray, balled up shirt and throw it at him. He easily catches it. Wincing I sit back on his bed. 

"Are you ok?" He walks over hastily, pulling the shirt over his 6 pack. I feel my face turn red and try to cover my cheeks with hair.

"Yeah," I say halfheartedly.

The tan, fuckboy sits next to me and lifts my shirt. His face turns from concern to shock and back to concern as he studies the cuts and bruises that were left from my little adventure with Victor. Shivering, I look down to watch his hands glide over my slim body.

His beautiful eyes meet mine, concern laced and intense. I immediately notice how close we are, and lean back. I push myself up with my hands but realize that my wrist is broken.

I fucking hate Victor and his minions.

Taylor quickly stands and helps me up. His washboard abs push against me as he assists me to my room. 

I lay down on my firm mattress and fix the pillow under my head with my good hand.

Taylor starts to question me. "Ok. First of all, where the hell have you been for 5 hours? It's 11:30!" His eyes widen, waiting for my response.

I squirm under his stare, having a mental battle with myself.

I should tell him, but what if he tells my mom, or goes to the police. But if I don't tell him, then I have to make up a weird story and stick with it. Oh, Fuck.

Making up my mind, I start to explain everything. From the moment I left the library to when I woke up in his bed. Then I realize something.

"I'm guessing you carried me to your bed, but where did you find me?" The obnoxious boy scratches the nape of his neck becoming nervous but eventually responds.

"Your mom saw you get dumped in the driveway and freaked out. I was coming how from the diner a few blocks down and helped you get inside." He pauses and looks frantically around the room as if he was embarrassed. "She thought you were playing a prank on her and told me to bring you inside. That was about an hour ago."

I stare at the ceiling of my room, shocked.

My own mother couldn't tell that I was kidnapped, tourtured, and not to mention wet? That hurts.

"I have a wrist brace in a drawer in my bathroom. Can you get it?" My hopeful eyes meet his, but he scoffs.

"I'm not your bitch." He stops walking towards the doors and starts to think. "But I will make dinner for us. Your mom went to dinner with the fireman guy and Jr." He walks out of my room and I grunt, sitting up and make my way to the bathroom.




After showering and putting on a wrist brace, I realize that I forgot clothes and head to my room in a towel. All of a sudden, a dressed Taylor barges in singing Caroline by Amine. 

"Don't wanna talk it out, can we fuck it out? 'Cause we gon' be up all - Fuck me..." A noise of surprise comes out of my mouth as his eyes trail over my half-naked body. Pulling his earbuds out, he stuffs them in his pocket and steps towards me.

A smirk spreads across my face. The 6'0 boy's amused eyes find mine, and I laugh. 

Suddenly, I am engulfed in muscular arms, as soft lifts smash into my chapped ones.

To say I was surprised doesn't even begin to cover it. 

Then my towel falls.

Oh shit...

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