Secrets Revealed

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I stared in disbelief. I saw Toms body sit there. Luke ran, and ran, until he got to Tom. I tried to cover him as well as I could, but there was no way I could cover him all day. Finally C.J ran out, and dragged Luke to cover.

All that I had to now, was run as fast as I could over there. I hesitated for a moment, and ran as fast as I could over there. With my luck, I got over there in one piece.

"We need to get this kid back!" C.J yelled over the gunfire. "He isn't gonna stop crying till someone slaps him!"

I sighed.

I tried to think of what to do. I slapped him across the face, and grabbed his gun he dropped a few feet away. I handed it to him, and looked him dead in the eye.

"We all have lost something, don't make yourself another." I said, and made him sit up.

He sat there in silence, looking at me.

"I'm sorry." He said. "This is war, not depression."

"That's right." I said, and gave him an extra clip for his gun. "Lets avenge some people."

"They're swarming bullets everywhere!" James yelled.

"We're only a few feet from our destination. Tom you gotta cover this side! C.J cover the ntrance from the big door!"

"And me?!" James asked.

"Cover the back door." I said, and ran in. "Okay, take your positions."

I walked around the walls, not seeing anything. It was only a matter of 10 minutes I saw a very well hidden trap door in a corner.

"Guys!" I called. "Over here."

They all slowly walked over to me, still facing there positions.

"How'd you see that?" James asked me.

"Eyes of a hawk." I smirked. I opened it up to find a ladder going down.

"Are we going down?" James asked.

"We don't have any other choice." I said, and started climbing down. "Make sure someone stays at top to make sure this thing can open up when it closes."

I saw Tom stay up there.

"Last one down, shut it." I said.

C.J closed it, and went to open it again. It opened.

"Alright, Tom, c'mon." I said.

"Man it stinks down here." I said.

"Smells like someone died." Tom said.

"Lets hope not." C.J said.

"Yeah, I don't wanna come down here to nothing but a dead person." James said.

Finally I reached the bottom, and pulled out my flashlight.

"3-way path." I said. "James and Tom, you go left, C.J you go middle, I'll go right. Report back in 10 minutes, don't get lost."

We all broke up into groups, and went down our assigned paths.

As I was walking down, I heard footsteps. Probably there footsteps. Maybe C.J's, or Toms, or James.

I didn't worry until they got closer to me. I drew my gun, and looked everywhere.

"Man this is a long tunnel." I said to myself.

"Your right, it is." I heard someone said, and they leap't right at me.

He tackled me right to the ground. I dropped my gun a few feet out of reach, and he punched me across the face.

After a few couple punches, he stopped, and looked at me right in the eyes.

"Get out of here, the stuff your looking for, it is top secret information. Stop now, and keep your life." He said.

I glared at him, and without any longer hesitation, I punched him in the face, stunning him. I shoved him to the ground. I got up, and beat him down senseless.

"I'll do what it takes to fight for this cure." I said. "Don't second guess me!"

"Kid, your a nobody trying to find a fake!" He said, and kicked me right in the gut. I fell right to my side, about to throw up.

"Don't. Don't call me a nobody!" I said, and stood straight up, and bent down, beating him senseless again.

This time I didn't stop till I saw he was coughing blood.

"You're pretty serious about finding this." He spoke under his breathe. "You'll still die."

"I've had enough." I said, and picked up my gun. "Where's the answer to all my questions."

"What? You mean the cure?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. "Where is it."

"Didn't you here what I said?" He asked me. "You're searching for a fake! You fool."

"For every question, there's an answer, my father always said. Not one doubt in my mind is he incorrect. Some questions you may be like'I don't know', but underneath, there is actually an answer." I said. "My point is that there is a cure, but you have to work for it."

I rose my gun up to his head, and shot.

I looked around to see a room. And in the room, I saw an office. I walked over to the desk, and opened the drawer. In the drawer was a bunch of papers.

"Jackpot." I said, with a smirk.

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