The Attackers

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It was the next day, and me and James were sitting on the couch cleaning out the barrels from yesterday. The Colonel was proud, and got a research team right on the case. Although I never got to read the papers, I'm still glad we found something important.

"Do you think that they'll be able to make a cure?" James asked me, while putting his gun back together.

"I hope so." I answered, and sat my gun down. "I just hope we don't have to go back there. That place sucked."

"Yeah." He agreed. "I fell bad for the people running, I feel like they din't have anything to do with what was going down."

"Yeah, I think they were civilians trying to help patch that wall up." I said. Right after I said that, he phone rang. "I'll get that."

I walked over to the phone, and picked it up.

"Hello?" Someone said over the phone.

"Hello." I said.

"It's Mr. Cager, come down to the office, there's some things I want to go over with you."

"Okay, but for-" I stopped because he hung up.

"Who was it?" James asked, walking in.

"Mr. Cager, he said to come down to the office immediately." I answered.

I grabbed the car keys, threw on my hat, and walked out.

"What all did he say?" James asked.

"Nothing much, just said come down to the office. And then he hung up."

"That's him all right." James said. "It seems like he talks so much face to face, then you have him over phone, and he's like one of those quiet kids in the back."

¨Yeah."I agreed.

On our way over to the Colonels office, we stopped at a store.

¨I'm gonna go grab some bread for the house." I said, and got out of the car.

Whenever I was walking in, I saw a group of people beating up this one person. I grabbed my gun, and bolted over there.

"What is going on?" I asked,having my gun lowered, but ready to fire.

They all stared in shock, they didn't even move.

"Well?!" I yelled.

"Hey!" James yelled. "Whats going on?!"

"Get over here!" I yelled back. "Now, I'm not going ask you guys again, what are you guys doing?"

"W-we were getting m-money out of this kid." This kid said, with his hat backward, and baggy jeans with a sleeveless shirt.

A kid made a move on me, but I dodged him. I kicked the back of his knee, knocking him down. I raised my gun to his face.

"You shouldn't be messing with someone in the military." I yelled.

"Hey Calvin!" James yelled. "Chill man."

"He made a move for my gun, no chilling." I said.

"The Colonel is waiting for us, he just called. Lets wrap this up, we'll get 'bread' later." James said.

I nodded my head, and turn the safety on, on my gun.

"Next time I see this group again, I won't hesitate to get my hands dirty." I said.

They all looked at me, with a great ball of fear. I put my gun back in its holster, and walked back to the car.

"Really?" James said, catching up to me. "You really gotta show off in front of a couple middle schoolers?"

"They were picking on that kid. Din't you ever hear of the stories of people killing themselves because they get bullied, and picked on?" I asked him, turning on the car.

"Did you really have to pull your gun out." He said under his breathe.

"Yes, or else they would've thought I was joking." I answered him.

He sighed. "Okay."

I backed out, and drover over to the Colonels office.

"Hello Mr. Cager." I said, walking in. "What's the problem?"

"These papers. They're top secret information, I didn't even know about half of this stuff, and I'm the Colonel!" He said, standing up, giving me a handshake. "You guys found something that is going to help us against war."

"Woah, all I need is the cure." I said.

"Are you saying you disagreed to helping out with wars? How did they let you even be part of the military?" Mr. Cager asked.

I sighed. "I did, but-"

"Great!" He exclaimed. "We might be going in on a secret mission Monday, so be expecting a phone call."

"What's the real reason you had us drive out here." I asked.

"Can I talk to you, private?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll be waiting outside." James said.

"Oh, just go onto the hallway." Mr. Cager said.

"That's what I meant ." James said under his breathe.

"The say before you got your crew out there, there was a murder of 32 people there." He said.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying, did you go under my authority out there?" He asked me.

"Look, if I were to go there, I would've brought something back." I said.

"Well that's how you could've lied, and toke the chopper elsewhere, killing Tom." Cager said.

"I'm not a monster." I said. "They lived the same life as we did, I wouldn't kill them."

"Excuse me?" He yelled.

"Cager, I had nothing to do with that. I don't understand why I would do that without your permission. And how would've I gotten over there? I would've needed transport, such as a helicopter. Do you think I'll just pull one out of my back pocket, and fly it over there?"

"How can you explain the shooting at the store just 30 minutes ago? People say you were part of that." Cager asked.

"Hmm. Do you mean the group of boys? I was trying to stop stuff from getting out of control." I said. Man, this guy is trying to get me into trouble. I don't like him too much anymore.

"Quit lying to me Calvin!" He yelled. "I swear to God, if you're going to keep on lying, I'm going to pull you out, and you can say good bye to all your hard work!"

"Colonel!" Someone said, barging in. "Russia, they're here for revenge!"

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