Chapter 1

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"Nami Hirocho, if you don't wake up this instant!" The loud sound of my mother's voice rung throughout our home, effectively making me jolt out of bed. I knew the wrath of my all too caring mother, and Id be sure to stay clear of her bad side. Although the sun shown brightly through the window, I still felt the dread of another day approaching. Don't get me wrong, my friends are great, and so is my mom but...I'm tired of what I've always been. Overprotected, still  living with my mother at this adult age, worried about by everyone in the village. Is it because my father was killed by an unknown person long ago? Is there something else i don't know about? Why do they always protect me? Why am I not allowed to get too excited whenever I fight, why am I barely allowed to fight at all?

"Hey Nami! Naaaaaamiiiiii!!!!" I heard Naruto's obnoxious voice break me from my thoughts. Ever since we were kids, he's always been able to rack the peace.

Why was he so annoying-_-)?

I groaned and went to my window, staring down at the young adult angrily. "What is it that you want Oh Great Hokage ? I said sarcastically, mocking his dream. Naruto was highly respected and revered in the village, and it wasn't like he couldn't become hokage one day...its just that I like to pick on him. "Nami, grandma Tsunade needs you immediately for an important mission." I felt my heart rate pick up extremely fast. "Me...Hokage Tsunade...Need...MISSION?!?!" I rushed to my closet and changed into my regular attire. I put on my leaf village headband and tightened it to my pleasing. I'm still a genin, but oh is Naruto. But Naruto has been able to fight a lot and even leave the village. All I've been taught was a tiny bit of defense from Kakashi sensei and a LOT of medical related things from lady Tsunade. But that should all change today! My very first mission!

"Nami, where are you going?" My mother stopped me at the door. I could tell there was a slight annoyance in her voice because she was used to me always trying to leave outside. But everything was always over riddled by fear, and obvious worry. " I'll be fine mom, the hokage needs me." I looked down and opened the door quickly, running into Kakashi sensei. "Good morning Nami, Aruroie. May i have a word with you about Nami?" He asked my mother. I looked at them in confusion but my mom seemed to understand.

"Nami, follow Naruto to the mansion. Don't keep lady Tsunade waiting." Kakashi said calmly. I looked to my mom and she held her understanding expression, but I could still seek out some worry. "I love you." She smiled lightly. I returned the smile and left out the door. Naruto kept on my trail, all the while talking about Sakura and how shes grown up so much. I scoffed at him. "Naruto, you're so oblivious. Sakura doesn't care about you in the way that you do. Hinata does...and she always had." I spoke up. I could hear him gasp behind me as we made it to the mansion. "Nami, R-really?" He questioned quietly. I smiled kindly and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Of course you idiot. Now stop obsessing over Sakura, and go talk to Hinata." He stood there silently and flashed me a toothy smile. "Haha, thanks Nami!"

As he hopped away, I laughed and shook my head. "About time that idiot figured it out. He's far too oblivious sometimes." I sighed and went inside. There Lady Tsunade was doing some work with papers. She looked up at me and smiled lightly. "Nami, there's no reason to look so serious. There is something I need you to do that I know you can do. Pay close attention to me."

She spoke up. "All these years I know you've been tied down by all of us. You are special, and because you are are more powerful and wanted than you know. The mission I'm going to ask you to do is very dangerous, but I know in my heart that you can do this. In fact, because you are so hidden're the only leaf shinobi that can do this." She stood up and faced towards the window. "We need you to infiltrate the akatsuki."

As she said this, I almost gasped out loud in protest. "Lady Tsunade, but how? I'm only still a genin. I was never allowed to take the chunin exams because you all said I would get too excited and bad things would happen." I felt a tad bit angry at this. A genin at my least Naruto is a chunin. But he's also more important than me as well.

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