Chapter 17 (Neji pov)

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"Any news?" I shamelessly cut into the hokage and Kurenei sensei's conversation. "Well well, Neji! It isn't like you to cut into a conversation like that. You were always an extremely respectful child." Kurenei smiled and wagged her finger mockingly at me. I could feel my face heat up slowly. She was right, and I was always one to hold the utmost respect to anyone. Kurenei put her hand on my shoulder and smiled sweetly at me. "The fact that you interrupted us must mean it's an extremely important matter involved. Im guessing it's concerning our previous conversation about a certain someone." Kurenei teased me. By this time, the blush had already covered my fair cheeks. "Oh calm down Neji, Im sure she's fine. No news is good news right?" Kurenei spoke so confidently concerning Nami. I shook my head rapidly. "No, what if she was killed?" I asked with slight panic. Tsunade shot me a sympathetic smile and beckoned for me to come closer. "Neji, we set a timeline for her mission. She has a year to complete it before we send troops after her. And we send an inconspicuous messenger bird after her each month, using Paccun for her scent. This month is nearly over. If you'd like to come back in a few days, you can watch us send the messenger bird and Paccun. They would return with something to let us know she's alright. How's that sound?" Tsunade asked me.

I was still unsure but I nodded anyway and agreed to her proposition. Kurenei looked at me and smiled. "Yknow Neji, Im sure she misses you as well." I could not deny the blush that dominated my face. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah, I really hope she does. Excuse me, I must depart." I bowed respectfully and exited the room.

As I walked through town, I admired the lights strung up each night letting people know that the restruants were open late. Some kids zipped past me, their mother following close behind. She shouted out for them the way any mother would. The cool night air brushed past my face and the various smells bombarded my senses as I passed Ichiraku ramen shop. "Hey! Neji, that you?" I turned around to see who yelled for me. "Neji, how are you? Why the long face?" Sakura approached me. Hinata was by her side, smiling ever so kindly as usual. "Sakura, lady Hinata. Good evening to you two." I bowed my head at them. Sakura smiled sweetly and Hinata piped up to talk. "Neji, why are you so sad? Is there something you wish to talk about?" Hinata asked me, pulling back loose strands of my hair. "Oh...n-nothing is wrong." I lied slickly to her. Sakura snickered a little and crossed her arms. "Are we holding lies over nobility now?" She pressed. I shook my head rapidly. "No! Of course not." I turned my nose upward. "Then tell us what's wrong Neji. You know you can tell us anything." Sakura added. Hinata nodded in agreement and gave me a heartfelt smile. "Here." Sakura grabbed my hand and pulled me to a nearby playground. We each sat on the swings and Sakura awaited my words. I sighed deeply and longingly for Nami. "Sakura, I miss Nami. Im very worried about her. I mean I never even had the guts to tell her how I felt about her. If something happens to her while she's on this mission, then I'll never be able to tell her how I feel." I released all my feelings towards everything.

Sakura laughed lightly and brought me closer for a hug. Hinata joined her. "Oh Neji, I know she'll be just fine. Many of us here in the village have taken too much precaution for her not to be. You just need a little more faith and a whole lot of patience." Sakura said Hinata nodded "And you know what else Neji?" Hinata spoke up. "When she gets back to the village, you can tell her what you've been waiting to tell her this whole time." She reassured me. I smiled and reached my hand out to place it on her shoulder. "Thank you both. I appreciate being able to get this off just chest to anyone." I smiled widely. "It'll be even better when you get a chance to tell her." Sakura added. I stood up and nodded. We each bid our goodbyes and I was on my way home again. I found myself taking another detour though. One that just so happened to lead me to another place. A familiar place in fact. "Well, couldn't hurt to step in." I told to myself as I knocked on the door. I was greeted by a surprising face that opened the door to the Hirocho household. "Kakashi sensei! W-what are you doing here?" I asked him. He looked a little nervous and avoided the question. "I should ask you the same thing." I squinted my eyes in speculation. I looked around him to see Nami's mother rounding the corner with two plates of food. "Kakashi dinner's ready!" She shouted sweetly. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look Neji, this is the first time I've been here since Nami left. I'm just checking on her mother since she's been gone." He explained. I almost believed him until Nami's mom spoke up saying Did you want the same sauce as yesterday's dinner, or last Tuesday? I glared and he chuckled nervously. Within an hour, I was invited into the house. Nami's mother wanted me to join her and Kakashi for dinner but I refused. I found myself in Nami's room, admiring old pictures and wishing she was back. "Oh how I wish she was back."  

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