Admiring her from afar

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A young male of 22 years with striking handsome features and unruly jet black hair sat alone in a corner of a room of his one-bedroom apartment. He couldn't move nor talk. It was a shame, given his gorgeous looks he would've been quite a popular hit with the ladies. All the young physically challenged man could do was sit in his wheelchair and read the many books his late father, Fugaku Uchiha left him. Some nights he would spend his time sketching on a notebook which he found hidden deep in the bottom shelf of Fugaku's dusty old bookcase, behind the many books and scrolls he secretly hid from his family. The young Uchiha never looked at the said books and scrolls as he respected his father's privacy even when he was no longer alive.

The notebook played a pretty important part in the young man's life. On the first few pages were pictures of his whole family, smiling and laughing together care-freely. On the bottom of each picture was a little text stating it's date, time and year, hand-written personally by his father. Fugaku was always accurate and the young Uchiha admired this trait.

He would often smile looking at the pictures of his parents and whisper soft words in his mind to them, apologizing for not turning out to be the kind of person they hoped him to be.

'I'm sorry for letting you down father. I'm sorry I couldn't be like big brother. '
He repeated over and over again as he traced his pale fingers across his late father's handwriting. He was always a big disappointment to his father. For not being as skilled as his elder brother, Itachi. For not being able to complete his late father's dream. And mainly, for not being able to speak like the other kids his age.


His name tasted like venom on the younger Uchihas silent tongue. Oh how he loathed his brother. For the murder of his family and the cause of his permanent injury. No one could ever guess that the sweet and wise Itachi Uchiha would be the one responsible for his own family 's deaths.

'If only father handed his position over to me and not big brother, then I would have been able to use that opportunity and execute Itachi once and for all. Then mother and father would both still be alive and we would have been able to carry on with our lives like any other normal family. '

He guiltily thought to himself. He knew it was wrong to think of such a cruel thing but he couldn't help it. The hunger of power and his never-ending greed made Itachi Uchiha turn against his own family. Itachi would have done anything to guarantee never-ending success and lifetime acknowledgement, if that meant murdering his own family to be the sole member of the Uchiha clan then so be it.

The younger Uchiha could only wonder how his life would be like if the tables were turned in his past. He was damn certain that no matter what amount of power and cash that would come his way, he would never turn on his own family.

'If only I could meet Itachi one more time. I will surely seek the answers for my parents death and be able to avenge them. I don't care about any what, when or how. I will kill him.'

He vowed to his word. He knew how high the odds were against him. What could a physically challenged guy like him who can not even speak do against one of the most powerful and influential man in the country? Not really much but he sure as damn well would try.


Soft droplets of rain fell from the dull night sky. Each colliding against his window with a pit,pat,pit, pat

Sasuke listened intently to the soft rhythm and closed his eyes in pure bliss. Living alone without nothing but books, he was grateful for what little noise he got to hear. It reminded him that he was still sane. That he was still a resident in a world among the living. He tapped his fingers lightly on the armrests of his wheelchair. His fingertips dancing to the almost audible beats. It was only a matter of time before he would get to see her again. The beautiful girl that had been haunting Sasuke's dream for the past many years.

This girl, whose name Sasuke never learned and was never able to meet, had piqued at his interest. Something about her seemed different to him. The way she would show up in the middle of the night, sitting on top of a roof a few house across and just simply gaze at the glistening white moon. She would often raise her hand and try to touch it but her poor feeble attempts would always prove fruitless. For the moon was too far up and she was too down below. Every night would follow the same routine. The girl would sit on her rooftop, admiring the moon and Sasuke sitting in his wheelchair, sketching the girl with her face turned upwards to the moon, long dark hair that blended completely with the dark night sky, bare feet dangling out under a white nightgown in cold air and her right hand raised high up in the air, grasping at the nothingness.

But tonight it was a little different. Instead of just looking at the moon and trying to reach it, the girl actually turned around and looked straight in the direction of Sasuke. She stared at him while he stared at her back with widened eyes.

'Can she really see me?!'

He gasped thinking that she could actually see her but immediately shrugged the idea off knowing that she was too far and couldn't possibly make out his face.

Sasuke almost jumped in his seat in sheer fright when the girl smiled directly at him and jumped off the rooftop.

He inched his face as close to the window as his paralyzed body would allow him and tried to look for the girl but there no was no sight of her.

'Did she really just jump?!'

Sasuke couldn't see clearly in the dark. The moonlight wasn't helping him a bit at that moment. It was too dark down below to make out trees, let alone a girl who maybe be on the verge of death.


Sasuke fell back along with his wheelchair in shock when the girl he had always admired from afar and who is supposedly dead by now came face to face with him with only the thin glass of his window in-between them.

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