Sasuke Awakens

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A/N: Hey guys, I had given up on this story a few years ago but I recently found it in my drafts and decided to pick it up again. I'll keep working on it and see if it gets any love here. Also, please let me know if there are errors and whatnot and I'll correct them right away. Also please be kind enough to leave a vote if you'd like me to continue this. It would really mean alot to me!
Ok now onto the story ~

Previously on Full Moon:

'That's all in the past', she thought. He was long dead now.

Her drifting track of thoughts was interrupted as the boy in her arms began to writhe violently in pain. 'It has begun,' she thought. She muttered a few curse words under her breath and tightened her grip on the ravenette and doubled her pace.

And a mere five minutes later, they were a few leaps away from the hideout.


"Stop struggling!" [Name] snarled as the Raven head fidgeted uncontrollably making it hard for [Name] to keep a grip on him without having him slip away from her hold .

[Name] reached the little hideout where her master resided in and knocked on the little wooden door.

"Who is it?" A deep and raspy voiced hissed from the other side of the entrance.

"It's me, you slimy freak. Open up," [Name] said in annoyance.

The door opened at once and a tall, grey haired man with glasses named Kabuto Yakushi sighed as he took in the sight before him. [Name] was holding onto a barely conscious Raven haired boy in her arms as how a mother would carry a child. Well, minus the gentleness.

[Name] knew that Kabuto was about to start playing Sherlock any minute now and dramatically rolled her eyes,

"Save the smalltalk. Where's master? I'm in a rush and I need to see-"

"I'm right here, darling. Did u bring me a present?" hissed a very deep and raspy voice. The voice belonged to her master, Lord Orochimaru. He was a tall vampire with a face as pale as paper and long jet black falling down to his shoulders. He also had a strange obsession with snakes and possessed similar physical traits to them.

[Name] dropped Sasuke as if he was just a ragdoll and quickly bowed down to greet Lord Orochimaru.

"I um.. May have turned him.. I guess," she said nervously as she pointed to the boy on the ground who had now started to spasm uncontrollably on the floor.

"My, my, you always find a way to create trouble for us, don't you?" Her master said in a mocking tone as he bent down and took a look at the boy. He lifted up the Sasuke's face and brushed some of the hair away from the his temple which was now dripping with sweat and Orochimaru's bright yellow eyes widened in surprise.

He had thought they had all been wiped out. Yet the youngest member was right in front of his very eyes.

"The last remaining Uchiha, how interesting," he snarled, earning a puzzled look from [Name]

"It appears you did turn him," Lord Orochimaru said after returning his gaze back at [Name].

"But how is that possible? I was just trying to drain him dry. I didn't perform the ritual!" She protested as Kabuto let out a dramatic sigh,

"Master, I told you we should've gotten rid off her. All she does is just create-" Kabuto immediately stopped speaking after getting a stern look from Lord Orochimaru.

"This one is a special case. He already had a vampire in his bloodline," Lord Orochimaru stated as a matter-of-fact

"But that's impossible! A vampire and human can't reproduce!" [Name] cried out in shock earning 'tsk, tsk' from Kabuto.

"It's rare but not impossible," Lord Orochimaru replied.

"So, what are we going to do with him? Is he going to be one of us now?" asked [Name].

"Well, since it was YOU who turned him," Lord Orochimaru smirked at the baffled expression on [Name]'s face and continued on, "This boy is now YOUR responsibility."

"But what am I supposed to do with him now? What if he tells anyone about our existence?" Although [Name] knew that wouldn't ever happen as the boy didn't have anyone around him to talk to in the first place but she couldn't completely rule it out to be on the safe side.

"Well," Lord Orochimaru glided a long and sharp, snake-like tongue against his fangs and said,

"I'll deal with him personally then."

A few hours had past and [Name] was back the boy's shabby little room. She had laid him down on his bed and was watching him curiously from window sill on opposite side of the bed. Sasuke let out a little throaty groan and [Name] immediately got up to get him some water from downstairs.

Her kind don't really need to depend on human food or water to survive but they could enjoy it like a luxury. And especially since he had just finished transitioning, A glass of cold water would be great to help wash down all the new information that she would have to tell him very soon.

[Name] took the glass of water upstairs to his room but gasped in shock to see the bed empty and right then a deep male voice heavy with anger and resentment snarled from right behind her,

"What did you do to me?"

[Name] felt a chill down her spine as Sasuke came and stood dangerously close to her to the point where she could feel his ice-cold breath hitting the back of her neck.

"I said," Sasuke growled loathingly at [Name]. Ready to pounce on her smaller frame at any given moment,

"What did you do to me, you little bitch?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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