Chapter Eight

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The children all stopped talking and watched them.
"Um. Hi" Lucy said awkwardly.
A barrage of questions flew from the children
"Who are you?"
"Are you here to bring us home?"
"Did you bring food?"
Lucy's mind was racing. A whole group of people that looked like her! How? Why? What??!!
A teenage boy stood up and shouted. He looked to be about seventeen. He has dark tan skin, black hair, and intellectual brown eyes. Everyone shushed and stared intently at the boy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" He grinned at them, " I'm Charles and who are you?"
"My name is Lucy and that's Liam"
"Welcome to our humble abode!" Charles seemed like a good hearted fellow.  After a few minutes of the kids suspiciously staring them up and down, they seemed to accept them. A few of them stood up painstakingly and brought Liam to their group, while Lucy decided to chat with Charles privately.
They found a secluded corner and got down to business.
"Charles, what exactly is going on here."
Charles sighed and hushed his voice
"All of us have lived regular lives, we went to school, had pets. All of that changed about four months back"
"All of us have shared our accounts of what happened that day. And all the same thing happened. I was asleep upstairs one day when a mighty ruckus came from downstairs. I ran down to find my parents and younger sister on the ground. A goblin stood over them with a gun. Luckily, it was only a stun gun. Another goblin seemed to be scanning a machine over their heads. Come to find out, they were removing all memories of me"
Charles laughed bitterly
"They then shot me too and next thing I know, I'm in here with all of these poor souls. They kind of see me as a father figure I suppose"
From what Lucy could tell, underneath Charles cheery personality, he was hurting a lot more than he let on.

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