Chapter Four

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Lucy hustled herself to the Academy as fast as she could. Running at break neck speed, she tripped and scraped her knees. Blood oozed onto her tights. Liam covered his eyes with his palms. Blood made him sick. It fascinated Lucy.
"Get some band aids, ew," he complained.
"No time."
She grabbed Liam's hand and dragged him along the cobble stone path (the same one that runs throughout the whole village). Knowing a shortcut, they slipped in between some lilac bushes and sprinted through the woods a bit.
After a few wrong turns, Liam stopped them.
He unwillingly let go of her hand. That feeling went through her again. She just couldn't place it. "Lucy, I could be wrong but it feels like we're lost."
"Nahh "
"We so are"
Liam adjusted his amber tunic that complimented his eyes perfectly. She shook my head, trying to rid her head of these weird thoughts. We're bestfriends, she thought, nothing more. And plus, goblins don't feel like that. Goblins get matched by the High Government. And no offense to Liam, but they certainly wouldn't end up paired.
"You okay?"
A cawing crow interrupted them. A horrified rabbit rushed past us and into a thicket of thorns.
"What scared it?"
Lucy was wondering the same thing. "Erm, no idea. Let's go,"
Together they bound off trying to retrace their steps and only getting more lost.
"Okay we're completely lost, but I think it would be smart to check our lifePods. Although those things don't have GPSs," Lucy rolled her eyes.
The time said 18:20
"OH MAN," She squealed, her voice resounding off of the trees.
"Shh, shhhhh"
Liam clamped a soft hand over her mouth. Her face grew red. She felt like such a dumbbell.
She concentrated on whatever he had heard. Faintly it sounded like someone was on a cantering horse.
"Get down," he whispered.
Lucy quickly followed his instructions and scampered to some tall grass and knelt down. He followed her.
A goblin on a chestnut horse ran past them.
"Halt," he yelled at the poor creature. They were so close to the gruff goblin, that they could hear the horses pants. And very quietly, a baby crying. Lucy's ears caught the sound, and she froze.
It felt so familiar. Just a baby crying.
The goblin inclined his ear towards them and sniffed a few times. He grunted and slapped the horses rump, sending them off to wherever.
"I have a bad feeling about that guy," Liam said standing up and brushing off his green pants.
"I know right. Me too. Did you notice he had a baby?" Lucy asked.
"He had a baby?" Liam's brow scrunched up.
"Didn't you hear?"
"No" His brow continued to scrunch.
A brave and slightly stupid idea struck Lucy.
"Let's follow him!" She exclaimed. Liam inspecting her closely, as if checking to make sure he wasn't joking. Since she really wanted to know were that dude was going, she decided to hit his weak spot.
"It may even lead us to answers about who we are."
She forced herself not to say it sarcastically.
His eyes widened and his mouth curled into a mischievous smirk.
"Let's do it"
I guess the field trip is going to have to wait, she thought.

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