Chapter Two

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"After school maybe?" She asked. It was 13:20 and She really needed to get going. Liam stared at her with huge eyes. He hadn't said one word to her all day. Oh boy, she thought, He thinks he's found another revelation. Liam
Is always researching things and finding something that will "change our realm as we know it". From the begging look he gave her, She could tell this couldn't wait. "You know what? This happens to be my off day," every young one gets at least four off days a year," so let's go." He smiled at her with a look that She couldn't place. He's been doing that a lot lately.
They tromped through the shady wooded Area on a rough beaten path, until they spotted the Old Elm. They both clambered up the ladder nailed to the ancient tree. Once seated on plush seats that Lucy painstakingly made, Liam threw his satchel on the floor, it's contents spilling everywhere.
"Now what'd you go and do that for? Now we have to clean it up."
"Look a little closer, Lucy."
She peered at the books. Genetic Disorders for Goblins read one.
Liam shrugged.
"We don't belong."
That sentence took her a minute to comprehend. "What? Liam cut it out. Yes we do," she said angrily.
"Think, just for a minute about how different we are," he thrust out his arms.
This again.
"I know , I know. We're different. No news there," she rolled her eyes.
"Of course there isn't. My parents have always said I was albino." The way he said parents made it sound like he didn't believe they actually were his parents. Was he crazy? It was almost like he was really convinced this time.
"Yep. Mine too," She agreed. And it made lots of sense.
"But we don't have albino characteristics. My hair's black and yours is dark brown. Really, we shouldn't have hair at all. In fact, have you ever even seen an albino goblin before?" he watched her attentively, waiting for her response.
"Well........ No actually. But they're out there somewhere I'm sure. Anyways it's fine. We're still goblins," she shuffled around in her chair. Thing were getting uncomfortable. She found herself suddenly very interested in the birds perched on the window sill. Finally she pulled her eyes away and met his, know he wouldn't respond until She did.
"But Lu, the thing is- I don't think we are."

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