Chapter 2

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Armin's POV

I felt so uneasy, yet felt comfort, as if someone was holding me.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw that boy again. The boy who tried to save me at school.

Staring at his face, the sharp jaw line, his dark brown hair, and those beautiful green eyes. I almost died that moment when he looked at me.

"Hey, you woke up. Thank goodness. Are you feeling alright?"

I couldn't help but blush and didn't know how to reply, but a simple nod.

"C-can you put me down?" I asked, as he was still holding me bridal style.

"Um, sure, but are you sure you are okay to stand?"

I could only nod; staying silent.

He set me down, my feet touching the rough gravel, I sorta slipped, losing my balance. But he caught me. Talk about quick reactions. "Thank you.."

"No worries. So, would you like for me to walk you home, or.."

I was surprised, I couldn't let this human boy see anything. Besides, my family could get at him and kill him, without even thinking.

"N-no thank you. I think I can get home from here. But, I was just wondering, where are we? Like, what street?"

"Oh, we are on the gravel road outside of Rose and Maria Avenue." I blinked surprised. I lived on this gravel as well. I didn't know he lived this far out here, because I could see the two pathways, one leading to my home and the other to the home of the werewolves.

"W-well, thank you. I guess I could walk home from here." I mumbled, continuing to walk home.

"You live on this road as well?"

I nodded a bit, when I stopped in my tracks. "Not that far.."

"That is so cool!" He cheered, "Want me to finish walking you home?"

I shook my head, "N-no thank you. I am fine. But thank you for your offer." I said with a little smile, before walking off on home.

"I'm home..." I mumbled, not like anyone would hear me at all until night. I set my shoes on the floor next to the front for, before walking through my dark home. In which case, I am terrified of the dark. But my parents needed it to be dark. I walked up the stairs, through the halls, to my bedroom. Yeah, it is a big home . . . More like mansion, if you might say . . . But, I would prefer not to call myself rich, because I mostly am not. Our place is just an abandoned old mansion. No electricity, water, or heat in the home. But we do have clothes and blankets and food. And what you may call food is . . . A little different . . . If you haven't guessed, I am a vampire. Not a full vampire like my parents though. That is why I can go out into the light. But, I have a bad case of getting knocked out and bloody noses easily. Which is a HUGE way of getting targeted more. And maybe even killed. That is why we live out in the woods and such. But we have to take caution because our neighbors, or wear wolves, live next to us. And trust me, they aren't nice people, or beings, to get along with. Yet what confuses me... That boy said he lived on the same road.. Not sure if he is a vampire as well, and haven't noticed him around, or if he is just one of those nasty wolves. But, he was nice and stood to me as if I was another person. As if I was human...
Sighing, I opened my bedroom door, walking up to my bed and laying down, under the covers. I snuggled in the warmth of them. But I stared out my window, feeling hungry all of a sudden. I needed something to eat, but I ate what was left yesterday. I whined and felt my teeth start to slowly grow a bit. I shook my head, hiding under the covers, grabbing my head. "No! Stop it! I don't wanna be that guy again!"
"Mama, I'm hungry and my teeth and mind are hurting."
My mother looked at me, before smiling, "Don't worry, baby. It just means you are just growing up. You are growing when you eat. So, mommy is going to ask daddy to go get food. Alright? Wait a little longer."
I just simply nodded, as mommy walked off and I just sat in the corner of the living room.
After about an hour or so, my hunger was getting worse. I could barely control myself.
I then heard a huge sound of a door opening. It was my father...carrying a human female. I couldn't believe it. Dad did that?!
"Come here son. I haven't done anything to her yet.
I didn't want to, but my body was doing the opposite. Like, as if I was a kid starving from starvation. I poked the woman's cheek, seeing if she was still alive.
"Don't worry, she is just asleep..."
I blinked a few times, before my actions started to take over. I saw my mother and father smiling, mostly telling me it was okay, when I felt like it wasn't. I couldn't take it. I don't want to do it, tears swelled in my eyes, as my breathing got heavier. My fangs getting a bit longer. I could sense my vision getting blurry.  'No! Stop!' I tried shouting to myself, but the next thing I knew, I heard a screaming pain of the woman and I immediately stopped, backing away and covering my mouth. I saw blood drip from my face to the floor. Blood going everywhere and the screaming was fading...
It is true...I killed a woman with my own two teeth. I was scared, angry, and most importantly, having a built up wall of hatred for myself. I never want to kill anything ever again...ever...
As I laid there, curling up in my bed, breathing heavily, I could sense everything getting dizzy. I needed to chain myself to my bed. I need to... I got up, looking around for my cuffs that I had bought, but I couldn't find them. I started to panic, which made things worse. 'No! Stop it! Please...stop..' I begged myself, but in return, I felt things go blurry as I couldn't control myself anymore.
The next thing I knew, I was wandering the woods, silently. And wobbly. Hoping I could lure in a prey. My breathing was as heavy as it could get, my eyes blurry as hell, and my hunger got worse by the minute.

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