Chapter 9

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Armin's POV

I got out of the bedroom, out of the house, and to school. I needed help. I know people. People know me. I walked around the classes halls, hoping I could find my first friend, Christa. She was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair, ocean eyes, and a kind smile. I also needed to find Reiner. I couldn't believe that I needed too, but I did. Plus a few other people.
I met them during lunch and sighed, "Guys, I need your help." "Why should we help you transie?" Reiner asked, glaring at me. "Reiner be nice. You know he isn't a transgender." Christa frowned, looking at him, before turning to me. Her eyes looking with concern, "What is wrong, Armin?" "T-they took Eren from me and forbid us to see each other. And now I have to be staying with Levi, who keeps on trying to touch me." Christa stood, walking over and hugging me, "Awe, Armin, it's alright...We can think of something. Just need a way to get Eren and you to both councils. And convince them that you both know each other well and will do what ever you can to protect each other of both races. It can't be that hard, right?" "B-but, I am scared..I can't stand being in the same home as Levi." I cried, curling against her for comfort. She petted my head, till there was an announcement on the speakers,

"Armin Arlert, please see Mr. Ackerman in his office. Armin Arlert to Mr. Ackerman's office."

I tensed up, shaking in Christa's arms. "I-I don't wanna go...S-someone come with me and wait by the door..I don't want to go alone." Christa looked at her girlfriend, Ymir, who looked at the rest of the group, who then looked at Reiner. "Why me?" "Just go with him, ass." Ymir sneered, with a low growl. "Fine, but I ain't going to do anything else." I slowly got out of Christa's arms and trembled next to Reiner, who crossed his arms, walking next to me. We left the lunch room and walked through the halls up to Levi's office. I shivered and trembled. "Just go. I'll be here." I looked at him, before opening the door and going inside, to see an angry adult in front of me. "You left the house with out telling me, Armin. I am disappointed in you." I frowned, looking at him, "I am not your child or wife! Leave me alone!" Levi was then suddenly in my face, his hand grabbing my face tightly, pinching my cheeks till they started to bruise. "Stop it. Let me go." "If you live under my roof, you will listen to me. And a punishment should be in order. Since you don't have classes anymore, I can just have you in this room all day." My eyes widened, "No way!" Levi leaned in closer, as I tried taking steps back, but ended up against his desk. He pushed me back with a smirk, "I like this innocent self of you.. It turns me on, you know.." He whispered in my ear. I trembled, tears forming in my eyes. He licked the tears off my face, as more formed in its place soon after. He started to slip his hand under my shirt, and I kicked and screamed, "Stop it! Don't touch me!" The next thing I see is Reiner running through the door, into Levi, smashing him into the wall. I trembled, before smiling a bit, "I see now why they call you the armored one huh?" Reiner then turned around, a tint of blush on his face, before grabbing me and leaving the room. Ymir skipped her classes so she could watch over me.
We sat in a coffee shop, as she talked about Christa a lot. I listened at how both vampire girls got to be together and that both werewolf boys, Reiner and Bert got to be together, Connie and Sasha were just normal humans, but they kept our secret as long as we didn't tell them that they knew. So it was all good. Except for me not being able to be with Eren, the one I love. Ymir felt bad for me. I was seeing a different side of her, I never thought I'd see.
After the coffee shop, me Ymir went to go shopping, Valentine's was coming up, I just remembered. I picked up something for Eren earlier, when he wasn't looking, before all this madness happened. But now... "Hey, you can still give it to him, you know?" I looked over to Ymir surprised and blinked "Huh?" "Give it to Bert or Reiner. They can bring it to him and tell Eren what is all going on." I never thought of that. Jeez, Ymir is smart under all of that non expressed face. "You are kind and smart Ymir. Thank you.." I relied to her with a little smile. At first she blushed a tint, before hugging me, I was confused, "Y-Ymir?" "You are almost like Christa... Plus.. I could see you needed a hug." I chuckled a bit, hugging her back, "Thank you.."
As soon as we got back, school was done and the rest of the group was waiting at the gravel. Ymir ran up to Christa, hugging her lovingly, "You didn't wait long, did you?" Christa smiled and shook her head "No not at all." All us then continued our walk back to our homes, at the partway, I grabbed Bert's shirt sleeve, "U-um, Bert, c-can you give this to Eren?" I asked, handing him a small box of chocolates and it had a letter on top. Bert nodded, taking it. I smiled, "Thank you." I said before walking back with Ymir and Christa.
Sitting back at home, I locked my bedroom door, put the dresser and bookshelf in front of it, crawling into bed, trying to sleep.

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