Chapter 3

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Eren's POV

I growled lowly as I saw on the chores list I had to go pick up some food for supper. I wish Mikasa could do it and not me. But I guess I have got no choice in the matter. I can't drive because I don't have my license. So, that mean I am going to have to walk.
So, I walked down the the road, my hands in my pockets, and began to kick rocks. And when I got to the part way of the two roads, that lead to one, I stared at how I saw my mate walk that way earlier this afternoon. He couldn't have been one of the neighbors... Could he? Sighing, I continued onward to the store.
After being at the store, I felt that something was off. Way off...I stopped at the partway and stared down the road he went down again. But...this time, I saw something laying on the ground, not moving. I dropped the bags and ran up to it, the closer I got, the more I noticed it was a person, with that blonde hair I loved so much. My eyes opened wide in fear that hoping nothing had gone wrong.
I kneeled beside the blonde, moving its hair away, seeing it was him. My mate, but...he had blood all over him. I got worried, panicking, a checking if he was alright. I held him in my arms, resting my head on his chest, his heart was beating and his breathing was at a normal pace. I sighed in relief. Staring at the boy, I picked him up, holding him with one arm. Then walking back down the road to my place. At the crossroad, I picked up the bags with my other hand, before walking home. I couldn't let him get taken by the vampires. No way.
As I got home, I set the food in the kitchen, where my mother was. She looked at me concerned, "Eren, dear, who is that? Why is he badly injured?" She asked, running up and checking if he was okay. "I don't know, mum. I found him lying on the gravel right before the gravel to the vampires. He is still alive though."
She sighed in relief and went to go grab a first aid kit. "I will rest him in my room, mum!" I shouted, carrying him up the stairs and down the hall into my room. Laying him down on the bed, I stared at him, frowning. Before sitting on the ground holding his hand. "Wake up soon.." I mumbled before I closed my eyes.
My mother then walked in, seeing me resting next to him, holding his hand. She smiled, walking up and setting the kit down. "Mate huh, Eren?" She asked herself. "Well, he does look quite feminine. I guess I can see why.. But I bet he is a nice boy." She cleaned up his face, before noticing he wasn't injured at all. "Hm?" But after a while, she leaned in closer, opening the boys mouth, to see baby fangs. She gasped, tearing up and slowly backing away. "No way...A-a vampire?" She looked at me, then back at the boy. She then ran out the door, grabbing my father and coming back. To then see the boy sitting up awake and rubbing his eyes. They slightly gasped and chuckled a bit as the boy looked at him confused. "Huh? Where am I?" He asked looking around, before he noticed I was holding his hand. He blushed slightly and tried to take his hand back, but I had a tight grip on it. He pouted, struggling, and tugging to get his hand back. But when I finally realized, opening my eyes to see he was awake, I let go of his hand smiling before I saw him fall backwards off the bed. I gasped and ran over. "Hey, sorry about that. I didn't mean to let you fall off.." I apologized, holding out my hand, helping him up. He stared at me, standing and looking around my room. "Where am I?" He asked looking out the window. "This doesn't look like anywhere I am from." I frowned a bit, "well, you are my house. But the only reason why is because I found you passed out on the gravel with blood all over you, but as I can see, you aren't injured." The boy stared at me before his eyes grew wide and he grabbed his head, "No, no, no...You saw...I-I can't..." He kept repeating over and over again, backing into a corner, holding his head. I raised a brow, wanting to come over to him. "S-saw what?" "Eren! Don't get to close to him!" My father shouted, storming over and pulling me away. I was confused. "W-what? Why?" "Let's just say, he is not what you think he is, Eren..." The boy looked up frowning, "Y-you know?" "What do you take us for boy?" He asked as my mother then walked up, holding me. I stared at the boy in shock. "A-a vampire?" "Yeah, you were an idiot letting him into our area!" "W-what?! I was only trying to help him, because he looked like he needed help!" I shouted back, but my father went up to the boy, pointing at him. "That is what they do! They act innocent and need for help, so they can lure in their prey!" "No, you got it all wrong. I-I can't help it! My hunger takes over every once and a while and I can't control myself." I boy stated, in a scared tone. "Yeah, I have gotten info about you vampires. You can't be a full vampire till there is a connection between you and your partner, or in other words...your first at everything at once that ends with a bite on the neck. And they say that they have to be proposed, married, kissed, and have their first time in action one after another. " The boy blushed and looked away, "H-how do you know?" "I have my sources. But now since my idiot son brought you here, you know what happens?" The boy blinked confused, before he helped in pain. "They die." "N-no, please! Let me go! I will do anything! Just don't kill me! Please!" He whined, as I growled and struggled to get to my mate. I don't care what race he is from! I want him as mine!
My father started dragging him past me by the hair, "Dad! Let him go! I-I... He is my mate god damn it!" The boys eyes were wide and my father stopped dead in his tracks. "What?" "I-I said, he is my mate. Let him go." I growled, finally getting out of my mothers grasp and stomping over to my father. "Let. Him. Go." My father glared down at me, "This is against the code of both races, son. If you brake it, war will go out." I sneered, looking at the scared blonde, before looking back up at my father. "I don't care. I want him to be mine. I will watch over him and such, but it will be a secret, so no other people know."
After a long time discussing, I was actually able to keep him, but had to keep an extra eye on him and such. I sighed, frowning, and looking at the younger male who was hiding in the corner of my room. "I'm sorry..." He looked up shocked and frowned himself, "No, it is my fault. I couldn't control my hunger. Which, having animal blood, is that satisfying. In which, my hunger is starting to come back." He mumbled, resting his head back down on his legs. I slowly crawled over and sat a few feet away from him, so he didn't feel nervous. "S-so..I was wondering...Eren, was it? Well, I have heard about werewolves having mates and all for long time reproduction of the race..but, why did you choose me?" He asked, still looking down. I blushed a bit, looking away, "W-well, to be honest, it is really hard to explain. Let's just say, my inner wolf. . . H-he thought you were cute and such. . . Like a girl. So he probably thought you were a female werewolf, until he noticed in school that you told everyone you were a boy.." I said with a little chuckle, but then it all went dead silent. Nothing else was going on, except for me hearing a bit of heavy breathing. The boy then looked up at me tears, running down his face. "Please help me.. I-I don't want to hurt you or anyone. Do you have anything to chain me with?" I raised a brow, "W-well we have chains, mostly used as leashes and collars. He then grabbed me by my shoulders, "please chain me somewhere. My hunger is acting up and I have trouble controlling it." I blinked a few times, before nodding and leaving the room to go get it secretly.
After coming back, I couldn't see him in the corner, where he was. I looked on the opposite side of the room, seeing him covered with my blanket and breathing heavily. I felt bad for him. But, he looked up at me, before standing and slowly making his way over. I watched, seeing him get so close. But something was off... My eyes opened wide, before I grabbed him and pinned him on the bed. "Hey, calm down!" I shouted, but squirmed and cried he was hungry. But I thought about it twice..
I leaned down closer, my face right in front of his. "I will feed you, only a little.." I could see his eyes wide as he shook his head. "B-but.. I-I might not be able to stop." He whimpered, but I just smiled a bit. "Come on. You are my mate. I gotta take care of you one way or another. And right now, this is one of the best options I have." I whispered before kissing his soft lips. I could see his eyes wide, until they slowly went back to normal, blush appeared on his pale face. I licked his lip, "Come on, just my lip." He stared at me, before hesitating a bit, and then licking my lip. To find a vein, maybe? I don't know, but after a while, he then slowly, sunk his teeth in my lip. I whined a bit, but then got used to it. I could see the little smile in the boys eyes, before he closed them. We stayed like that for a while, till I started to feel lightheaded. I tapped his shoulder a few times, to get his attention. He looked at me and then stopped. I then sat up holding my head, "Holy Shit...Man am I lightheaded.." He then started to panic. "Oh no, did I take to much? Are you okay?" "I'm fine, don't worry. New blood cells will appear, correct? So, if you need a feeding, just only come to me." He blushed and teared up, crying. I pulled him into a hug, before feeling my lip. It's numb...I then looked at my hand. Hm? No blood coming out..weird..

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