Chapter 6

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Armin's POV

I felt bad leaving Eren turned down like that. It almost felt like I was the one being burned to ashes. I can't leave things like this. I need to find out from my parents tonight. No doubt about it. If he asked me about it, I can at least find out if it is safe. Walking inside my home, I felt a bad aura in the air. "Mama?. . .Papa?. . .Are you awake?" I asked, sneaking about the dark halls, which made it scarier. "Mama. . .I-I need help and I'm scared. . ." I then stopped turning around, after hearing low growling noises. "W-who's there?"
I looked into the shadows and saw glowing grey eyes, of a wolf, with blood on it muzzle. I jumped a bit, running for my parents room as the wolf came running after. I found my parents room, shutting and slamming the door, locking it. Panting and hearing growls and howls. I cried, looking for my parents, till I saw them on the ground. My eyes were wide with shock. My parents were torn apart and stabbed with steaks of wood. I covered my mouth, and crying. Till the werewolves arm punched through the wall, trying to grab for me. I yelped, running out the window, crying. I needed to go to Eren. I needed him.
Running down the roads, I tripped a few times, but heard the howling coming closer every time. 'I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!' I kept telling myself, before I bumped into someone in front of me, I fell on my back, but curled into a ball crying.

"H-huh? Armin? W-why you crying? What's wrong?"

I knew that voice, it was Eren. I lifted my head to those kind emerald eyes. He kneeled by me, asking the same questions. I was going to answer, till I heard that wolf again. I cried and screamed, leaping into his arms. "Eren! Eren! Eren! Wolf! My parents!" I cried out at once. I bet Eren heard the wolf too, because I saw his eye color change instantly and he picked me up, bridal style, carrying me away, or more like running away. I held onto him tightly, "I don't wanna die. . .I don't wanna die."
Once we entered his home, Eren ran me into the hide room. He didn't explain it that much, but he told me it was like a place where you could hide from dangerous things. He whispered he would protect me and watch over me. But I had to stay quiet.
I sat alone in that room, in the darkness, as I heard yelling and howling. It had been about almost two hours and a half since I turned Eren down, yet...I am chest heavy..., l-like I could barely breath. I panted, feeling cold, yet, on the surface of my skin, it feels like fire. "N-no...E-Eren..." I tried to call from my raspy voice. "E-Eren..." I cried, laying on my side, holding my chest. "H-help me..."
I thought it felt like forever, but Eren showed up there next to me. "Armin? What's wrong?" He whispered. "C-ceremony...Eren...please..." I asked, hugging him. "B-but..what about the wedding part?" I didn't think. I am an idiot! And I am going to die one! I cried, holding onto him. "I-I don't know.."
"Armin, will you take, Eren Jãeger, as your werewolf husband for all life?"

I blinked to see Eren's mom standing over by the door. I nodded as she asked Eren the same question. Eren nodded as well. We received rings and Eren's mom left saying, "you are now mates, you may kiss and continue."
Without any hesitation, Eren pressed his lips against mine. I blushed severed red, but having trouble breathing. Eren noticed though. But still continued, slowly removing my shirt, kissing me, and I kissed back. "E-Eren...h-hurry...I-I can barely breathe..." I whispered, making him have a whine and growl at once. I had tears running down my face. Eren removed the rest of our clothes and he palmed my member so lightly, it felt like I was gonna cry more. The bite.... W-we need to bite...but, who first? No one told me this. Is it the male one or female? But I am male as well! Gah! This is so confusing when I can barely breath.
My eyes shot open when I felt Eren touching my rear and playing with it. He slid one finger in, making me gasp, but he just kissed me in the process. I moaned and cried. When I had a chance, to speak, I panted, looking at Eren. " . ." Eren nodded, licking and kissing down my neck. I then felt his little sharp teeth against my skin, piercing through. I gasped, wanting to scream in pain. Having my body feel like it is burning inside out. After the bite, I had to finish it off. I slowly leaning forward, without having help from Eren, I would have failed. But I eventually got to his neck pressing my fangs into his neck, gently. But after that moment, I felt like I would go unconscious, in which I did. Falling out of Eren's shoulder, asleep. My eyes closed. But I could hear everything going on around me.

"Armin? Armin. Hey wake up. Armin come on. Wake up. You're scaring me right now. Don't leave me." Eren cried out. I felt his tears against my cheeks. I want to wake up. This. . .is a horror story...

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