Chapter 3

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I finally reached my house. I took the keys out of my bag and opened the door. I put my bag down near the door and walked to the living room to see my mum on the coach.

"Hello" I said politely to her.

"Oh hello darling sorry I didn't see you walk on"

"that's okay, so how was your new job?"
I asked nervously and worried.

"Actually really well they love the way I have so many great ideas to make the cakes more cheerful"

"so they decided not to fire you from the cake decoration store?" I asked excitedly.

"yes, isn't it great? So when do you start working again?"

"next week. But they said that I am gone be a waitress now, which I am glad about that means I will get paid more then usual" I said going to kitchen to get an apple.

"So how was school sweetie? Did you get in any trouble?" She asked sitting next to me

"Mr. Marcus class...again."

"Let me guess he was defending Veronica again" she said Veronica's name is discuss.

"Yes, I hate him so did Victoria call you yet?"


Victoria was my twin sister. However, when me and my mum moved to America to move on from dads death (heart attack) . Victoria decided to move in with my grandma. Victoria wanted to go to the dance school in England so bad. My mum at first didn't agree, but then later on allowed her to move in with my grandma. My mum always believed that you should chase your dreams no matter what or who is the way. My mum always wanted to make sure we were happy. I didn't want to move to America because my childhood and precious memories were all there. I did it for my mum. We didn't sell our house. And we aren't planing to.

However, when we moved into America we didn't realise how expensive it really was. But pushed through it and made enough money to buy a house. Not the best house, but at least we have roof above our heads.

After me and my mums conversation I started to walk up to my room. Which was the attic. My room wasn't the attic because we didn't have any rooms left, my room was the attic because I choose it to be my room. Every night I will always look at the stars. Seeing how they are always shinning together. It makes me think of my family and how different we are from those magical lights.

Also, I was a goth because I chose to be one. I could have chosen between millions of different types of girls. But I chose to be a goth. This was because it just felt like me. I love horror, creepiness and freaky things. I love dark clothes and objects and that just sums up goth. Most of the time people tell I should be ashamed of who I am. But why should I? No one in the world is like me even if they try. Not that any will try to be me. Who wants to be a girl who gets bullied everyday and gets cyber bullied too. But honestly as a goth you couldn't care less. At least I have my girls. They might not be like me. But who cares being different just makes you special. And Kara and Stella are the greatest.

I decided it was time to go to bed. I closed my curtains, I climbed the ladder and crawled into my bed. I Put the blanket over my body And started to slowly drift off to sleep. Tomorrow was school, don't want to feel tired.

I woke up......

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to put this book into your library to see when there's a new chapter.
Bye baii

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