Chapter 22

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This was a disaster, just play it cool ash. Maybe he is talking about something else.

"Um shay? What's wrong?"

" Nessa y-your eyes, they a-are purple?" He said to me in a questioning way. To be honest I would kind a find it freaky but being me, cool at the same time.

" what are you talking about" this whole playing cool act is not going to smooth. Before answering all he did was taking a few steps back from me. This is really going wrong.

"Nessa this is not normal, t-this is freaky. W-what is happening?"

No more lying, time to tell the truth.

" so my eyes are purple, that's because I am not a real human."

" what do you mean your not a real human"

" I mean eyes I am a human but there is another side of me. I am a um....."

" your a what?"

" I am a vampire"

" Nessa if your gonna lie...."

" I am not lying I am telling the truth"

" prove it more"

He asked me to prove it, so I will. I close my eyes take a breath and my fangs and black messy hair appear with purple high lights. Most of the time the highlights are red. But I guess they change by the colours of my eyes.

" do you believe me now?" I ask shay in a quiet annoyed voice.

Without answering he takes his phone out, I am pretty sure he is calling someone, instead of that happening I hear a click, he must have unlocked his phone. I take a step closer to him not expecting that what he would do and say would happen.

" STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" He screamed right to me.

I didn't expect that to happen so I stood there frozen for a while. After a few seconds, rage filled my entire body. My eyes turned dark red, and next thing I knew I got a new power to train on. From my hands fire started to start. I quickly turned my hands into a fist, and instantly the fire stopped. I looked up at a shocked Mitch, and I couldn't help but smile deviously at him. He should have never called me a MONSTER. I then looked back down at the burned floor.

The door knob moved from the front entrance door. I quickly turned invisible glad that power was easy to master by myself. And ran to the door, but before I did I looked at shay who was looking shocked, angry, scared and sad all at the same time.

~at school~
It was lunch, I was at my locker and the entire corridor was empty. Then I spotted someone walking my way. Guess who it was it was shay. Instead of walking away I walked towards him. He looked up from his phone and started to walk away from me slowly. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside, where no one was.

" get off me" he yelled to me.


" w-what do you want?" He asked acting confident but really terrified.

" you tell anyone about me, and I will hurt you"

" why would u want to talk about a monster?"

" I don't know, but call me that again, and your little brother is the one that gets hurt next."

" are you threatening me?"

" I want to say no, but that would be a lie"

" why should you be scared to lie, you have done it already for so long" I toke a step closer to him.

" you don't know the story" my blood was boiled and I felt my eyes turn dark red, luckily Crystal helped me control my transformation, so only my eye colours will change and I won't transform completely.

I expanded my hands and let flames come form it. I held it close to him.

" it would be very upsetting for this flame to be even closer to you right now"

And with that comment he walked away. Yeh, it was pretty harsh. But this is a too big of a secret. And what would people do to a vampire, maybe some freaky lab experiment, or they might kill me. But I am more scared of my family and what they will think or do. This is so horrible. For the first time in years and years I felt scared, terrified and I am not liking it, well maybe I enjoy the feeling a little but the situation not even a little bit.

~time skip to the last lesson~

Right now I was in English my last lesson. Sadly, shay was in the class. I kept looking at him from time to time wondering what he might be thinking.

" class please settle down a bit, I have a some short of project for you" our English teacher said to us.

" the project is set because it is your last year here before you move on to college So it will be fun to get some students now. So the project will be that you have to write a short essay/story/report whatever you want to call it, about the person I will set you up with. You have to write about who they are and there story, however not all of you will do it, others will write an essay about the project I set you last time. Mean comments, or anything similar to that will not be accepted and you will expect a punishment."

Some people where smiling others where groaning. I had no emotion showing, I really don't care. I couldn't care less about this. This is not helping me get good grades. And I have been getting Fs a lot in my exams. And  I really want to go to college. My dream colle-

" so I will be saying your partners name now.  Abby you will be writing about jack, Leila will be writing about Kara, Stella you will be writing about Nick, shay you will be writing about Vanessa,  ( other random beautiful names) and the rest who I did not name for writing an essay about the new project will keep going with getting images and pictures for your theme and be writing a short essay. The theme project will be due in 2 months. The new project, let's call it the meeting project will be due next week Thursday."

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