It's You

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Come on Friend whined. I never get to talk to you anymore.

Just give me like two minutes to finish filming.

An exaggerated sigh from Friend. Fine.

Friend had made him lose his train of thought, and he had to think about what he had been saying. Ugh, this is going to be annoying to edit out Phil thought to himself.


Phil's snapped out of his thoughts as Dan called him from his doorway. Phil was filming a video, and had been for about an hour. He was almost done, but he had taken a minute or two to tell Friend he couldn't talk right now.

"You okay?" Dan asked, eyebrows scrunched together in worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in thought, I guess."

Part of Phil wanted to tell Dan about Friend. I mean, they were his two best friends, and one didn't even know about the other. It's not like they could meet, or talk, but having to hide one of the biggest parts of his life from another... Phil didn't like it.

It had been years since he met Friend. If you could call it meeting. It had also been years since he met Dan, but definitely less years. Friend had been there since he was seventeen and Dan since he was twenty two. He was twenty eight now.

Only a few weeks after he "met" Friend, Phil had developed a crush on him, and since then it's done nothing but grow. Lately it's been hard, with the book and the radio show, and Phil's had a lot on his plate with Dan by his side. But those special times when he got to talk to Friend, no matter how increasingly sporadic they were becoming, made him so happy. Despite not talking as much, and becoming better friends with Dan, Phil definitely had feelings for Friend. Sometimes he actually found it amusing how much everyone thought him and Dan were in love. The Phan shippers didn't even know how wrong they were...

"Okay," Dan said, still a bit suspicious. "You done with the camera then?"

"No, I've still got a couple minutes left to film."

"Alright. I'll just leave you to it then."

Dan backed away and walked towards the lounge, leaving Phil even farther from what on earth he had been talking about. Eventually he got back on track, but by the time he was announcing the day's Draw Phil Naked, Friend was back.

Friend, you said two minutes. It's been nearly ten.

Sorry, I got a bit distracted.

That's okay. There's just... There's just something I want to tell you.

"Bye guys!" Phil said to the camera.

Okay, I'm done now. What's up?

Well... Oh gosh, this is a bit embarrassing.

Phil smiled a bit at the fact that Friend thought things were embarrassing to tell him. Friend was just so sweet. Phil wouldn't judge him no matter what, and he found it so endearing and adorable how nervous he was. Phil just loved Friend. To Phil, everything about Friend was endearing and adorable.

Take your time. You can tell me anything-I won't judge. Phil felt Friend smile as well.

I know. Okay, here goes. Well... I've fallen in love.

Phil forced a smile, even though it wasn't sincere. He was pretty sure Friend was straight-at least he hadn't said otherwise-and the thought of someone else having Friend... It made Phil sad. But a supportive friend he would be, so he smiled anyways.

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