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Phil sat at his desk editing a new gaming video, some stupid handicap challenge that they had immediately regretted and he doubted they would ever stop. It was really funny though, and it's not like they had any dignity left to lose. The fans would love it.

The fans didn't know that Dan and Phil had gotten together. Not to say they didn't have any suspicions, but it's not like those didn't long precede them actually dating. Dan and Phil were an official couple, and had been for two months. They had told their friends after a few weeks, and everyone had been nothing but supportive.

Dan was nice enough to refrain from saying "I love you" too much around other people. They couldn't hear him say it back, and it would be awkward for Phil to just leave it there too many times. Dan said it occasionally, but after those times Phil just kissed him and told him he loved him in his head. In their heads. Dan knew it, Dan could hear it, that was all that mattered.

Stopping by the store, we need any groceries?

The connection had never gonna away, even after they discovered that they were both each other's Friend, and they both were so glad. After so many years, their heads would feel so empty without each other's voices, and Phil wouldn't be able to express his love properly to Dan. But now that they knew it was each other, the mundane things that they would usually text about didn't require the effort, they could talk long distance, and it was great. They hardly ever texted anymore, but sometimes they would just to make it seem more normal. They weren't ready to tell people about about their connection, and they didn't know if they ever would. They had decided to play the whole thing by ear.

I think we need some cereal.

Did you eat it all again in secret?


You're such a dork.

But I'm your dork.

Phil felt Dan smile. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Phil smiled himself. I love you, see you when you get home.

Phil focussed back on the computer, but before he was really out of his head Dan replied I love you too.

Phil froze. He could tell Dan wasn't really paying attention anymore, that he had gone back to shopping, that he hadn't reacted strongly to the statement. But Phil had.

Dan had never been able to tell him that he loved him telepathically before. Just as Phil hadn't been able to say it out loud. Did he just...?

Did I imagine that?

He could practically feel Dan's brain go into overdrive as he reviewed the conversation.

I love you, Phil.

I love you so much, Dan! This is great!

I-I can say it... Dan said in disbelief. I love you, Phil. I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you I-

Dan! I love you too, and I love that you can say it, but I'm going to get a headache soon. Phil chuckled in awe and giddiness.

Sorry. But I do love you. And now I can tell you that.

You could tell me before, Dan.

Yes, but not in the way you could. Not in the way you needed me to. I am so happy. I love you so much.

Hey, Dan?


I don't think we need cereal that urgently, do you?

You know what, I think we can live without it for a little while.

I think so too. Why don't you just come home?

Dan smiled. I thought you'd never ask.

See you soon.

I love you.

Phil went back to editing with a giant grin plastered on his face. Every once and a while the comfortable silence was punctuated with an I love you from Dan. Each time, Phil repeated it back to him and his smile grew impossibly wider.

Eventually Phil heard the lock click on their door, and practically ran out of his room. By the time he rounded the final corner, Dan was just coming up the stairs.

They locked eyes for a moment, both stopping in their tracks-that oh-so-familiar blue on brown was like a drug. It was positively intoxicating. Phil ran up to his boyfriend and hugged him as tightly as he could.

"Whoa Phil, let's not throw ourselves down the stairs, yeah?" Dan said in a chastising tone. But they both knew it didn't mean much when he pulled Phil in even tighter than Phil had him and a dopey grin enveloped his features.

I love you, Phil.

I love you so much, Dan.

Phil felt lips passionately pressed against his own, and he didn't know who initiated the kiss, but he didn't care. His eyes closed and lips moved on lips. A mantra of /I love you/ was on repeat, and he didn't know who was responsible for that, but he guessed both. After they both needed air, they pulled away less than an inch. They practically breathed in each other's mouths, not wanting to pull away. Their faces remained aligned, and the embrace was renewed. The warmth it supplied made the butterflies in Phil's stomach go crazy. The civilization had broken down to chaos.

They stayed like that for who knows how long, the rest of the world seeming to have slipped from their awareness long ago. It was a timeless moment if Phil was ever going to experience one.

Eventually, Phil opened his eyes, craving that brown on blue. Something felt unfamiliar, but in the best way, the most exciting way, possible. This time, when Phil opened his eyes, it didn't feel different. It felt just the same, just as warm, just as content as with his eyes closed.

Friend was Dan. Dan was Friend.

Brown on blue.

I love you, Phil.

Blue on brown.

"I love you too, Dan."

Dan's face lit up like the fairy lights on his head board. On the head board Phil had fell asleep next to for nearly two months. Their head board. But Dan's face, his smile, was hardly even comparable to the beauty of those lights that were theirs now. His smile in that moment was the definition of beauty, the definition of light itself. Phil was sure his smile was just as wide, but he hadn't known that brown could shine brighter than gold.

They kissed again, and Phil could only think Half had done for now. This will do forever.

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