For Now

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When Phil woke up he immediately he felt a warm presence behind him. His brain was mostly asleep despite him opening and rubbing his eyes.

He felt a pair of arms around him, and he didn't remember why, but it was warm and nice and he liked it. Phil didn't pull away.

The first thing he consciously realized was that he wasn't sad. He was happy. But he didn't remember why. Phil wasn't complaining, but he had just woken up miserable for so long it felt strange not to.

Dan sighed in his sleep next to Phil, and he remembered everything that had happened on the previous night.

Friend didn't love Phil.
Dan loved Phil.
Phil loved Friend.
Dan was Friend.
They had kissed.
It was wonderful.

Phil smiled and was tempted to just let himself fall back asleep, but his arm was asleep, and it was uncomfortable. A car alarm sounded out on the street, and Phil finished waking up before he fell back asleep.

He sighed and tried to get up, but quickly found that he was pinned down by a sleeping Dan's arm. Phil tried shaking him a bit and saying, "Dan, get up," but Dan subconsciously pulled him in tighter when Phil tried to pull away.

Phil was too uncomfortable to find it cute at the moment, and he definitely wasn't awake enough to talk louder or struggle more.


Dan's eyes snapped open and he nearly shot up into a sitting position.

Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I just couldn't get you up.

It's okay Dan thought to Phil. He would have spoken, but he was too busy getting his breath under control.

Phil stretched out and shook his arm, trying to get feeling to come back to it. Eventually he felt pins and needles, and yawned. When he was finished, he looked back over at Dan, who had gotten his breathing back to normal, his face now enveloped with the widest grin Phil had ever seen.

Phil yawned again.

"So, Phil..."


"It seems as though we love each other, does it not?"

"It does."

"Remind me again how this hasn't come up sooner?"

Phil couldn't help but laugh just a little. He could practically see Dan's face brighten at the laugh that had eluded them for weeks. Phil decided it was better for everyone if they just tried to forget those three weeks. "Well..."

Because I knew you would've thought I was crazy. I mean, who wouldn't? And that the you in my head would abandon me.

Dan's smile dropped. He pulled Phil into a warm, protective hug.

I am so, so sorry for that. I was stupid. You know it just killed me to see you that miserable. And to know I caused that... Could you ever forgive me for putting you through that?

Phil sighed. So much for just forgetting what had happened. Well, since you apologized, and asked nicely, and you had to put up with my constant whining in your head for three weeks... Of course, Friend.

Dan smiled. "Please call me Dan."

"Right. Sorry. I'm just not used to it being... Well, you. In my head. You can't tell me you don't feel the same."

"Okay, fine. But can we at least start? Now that I know it's you... I want it to be you-not Friend."

That hurt Phil a little. But I am Friend.

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