.:Ch.01:. I can see the future

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This chapter has been edited by EmpressWaterLily on 27th of October 2015. I'm thankful for her help and I appreciate it.

I am hiding behind a tree waiting for the rogues to arrive. I must be careful because if they find out my identity, then my family may be in danger.

~~~ five months ago~~~

I open my eyes while the light drifts through the shining window. I look at my clock which says that if I don't wake up soon I'll be late to school. I quickly get out of bed, do my business in the bathroom, and take a quick shower and get out quickly.

I open my closet and pick a white shirt with blue jeans. My weird purple hair is loose and I always wonder, 'Why do I have a weird hair color? Like seriously I would be fine if I had any other hair color, but no I have to have the weird one.

After getting ready I go downstairs and eat breakfast with my big brother, who happens to be an alpha. He has blonde hair and emerald eyes and looks a little like my father. Our pack's name is 'Blue moonlight pack.' They say something about our ancestors seeing a blue moon in the sky and naming our pack by that name. I honestly remember The Smurfs movie every time I remember that it is really funny.

"How are you doing Logan?" I ask after taking a sip of my tea. Everyday I do the same routine; except on the weekends of course.

"If you don't mention the tons of unfinished work in my office, I'm good."

"I see."

"I remember when your father was the alpha he would always ditch work, and we would sneak out secretly." Grace Hall, my mother who is sitting with us in the dinning room, said while laughing.

John, my dad glared at Mum which causes her to stop laughing. It's not like it's the first time we heard that though, my parents are weirder than us.

My mother has blue eyes and long brown hair that reaches her waist. On the other hand, my father has blonde hair with emerald eyes. Like I said before he looks like my brother. I always think, 'How did I get my purple hair.' I understand that I got my blue eyes from my mother, but what about my hair? Why is it different?

"Chloe dear, if you don't go to the school now you're gonna be late." My mother's voice brings me back to my reality. I look at my watch to see that I have only twenty minutes to get to school.

"Shit." I curse. I get up from my chair and run to the door. I go to a black limousine and shout at the driver to hurry up and take me to school.
Our pack has two close allies, the Wild sky pack, and the Moon valley pack. Those are weird names, and don't ask me what's normal because I honestly don't know.

The Wild sky pack is the strongest one in America. It is ruled by Alpha Luke Walker.

However, all three pack suggested to build a big high-school in the middle of the three of them, and they actually found a good spot that took a land from every pack. That was ten years ago, I'm now in my junior year. I'm fifteen years old because I skipped 10th grade.

Luckily, I arrive at school on time. I go to my locker to take some books for my first period. Then I run to my math's teacher class when I bump into a hard chest. Before I could fall strong arms catch me. "Careful there." His voice is gentle, yet familiar. When I look up I can see Ryan. Well, the next alpha of the Wild sky pack, Ryan Walker.
I always had a crush on him, but I'd rather save myself for my mate. When I turn sixteen I'll be able to shift and talk to my wolf, who will tell me who is my mate.

Ryan is sixteen, he is also in his junior year. I always avoid talking to him because I get too nervous, but whatever.

He helps me stand up, and then I make my way to class. Luckily, I make it before the class starts. I see some empty chairs and chose one randomly. I actually don't have any friends, not after I found out that my best friend was just using me to get close to my brother. Some people are really cruel.
That's when I decided that I'm through with having friends, and I've been alone since then, if you don't count girl attempting to be friend me, that is.
My birthday is actually in five days. I'm excited, but at the same time really nervous. I mean, what if I don't find my mate and die alone? And what if he rejects me? What if I reject him? What if-

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear someone clear his throat which turns out to be Mr.Thompson, my math teacher. "Chloe, why are you spacing out in my class?" He demands to know, and I just tilted my head.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Maybe it's just boring?" It is more of a question than a statement. The whole class laughs really hard and I look at them confused. 'Did I just say something funny?'

Looking at Mr.Thompson I see his face is red with anger. Oh no, this can't be good.

"So Chloe, If Logx (1 / 8) = - 3 / 2, then x is equal to?"

"Uh... Um.. 4?" How does he expect me to answer that directly.

"That is correct." I guess I know why now, how is my brain is able to answer that? I should ask it sometime.

Class ends peacefully, apart from our math teacher who left the class angrily it was peaceful. Not a lot of time has passed when it is lunch break. I go to the infirmary considering that I've been feeling dizzy in the past few periods. Mia, the nurse came to me and asks, "What is wrong, Chloe dear?"

"I don't know what is wrong with me Mia, I'm having this really painful headache today."

She asks me if I want to rest. I nod my head, and she brings me to one of the beds.

I lay on an empty bed, and close my eyes in an attempt to rest and forget the pain.

The pain has been increasing and somehow it transferred to my chest. Both my palms were on my chest as the pain becomes more and more painful. Mia came running to me, she probably heard my groans.

"What's wrong?" She asks, I can hear the worry in her tone.

I motion at my chest. She then helps me take off my shirt so she could see what's wrong. We see a small, circular, purple jewel framed by silver, I think, stuck into my body. "I-I haven't seen anything like that before." Mia stutters. The jewel thing, which is what I'm going to call it, was above my breasts and and below my neck. It is a very tiny jewel.

The pain suddenly returns to my head, and I gasp in surprise. I wrap my arms around my head trying to ease the pain, but it isn't working.

I am seeing many visions, Ryan is in many of them. He is.. My mate? I see him get killed by rogues while trying to protect me.

I scream so loudly that I didn't realize that Mia has pulled me into a tight hug. "It's okay..." She says, patting my head. I calm down a little, and that's when I notice the tears that had already escaped my eyes.

Why am I crying? Why am I seeing these things? Is Ryan really my mate?
The visions are still going on in my head. I then realize that I can see the future, and that if someone could change it, it will definitely be me.

"Where there's no vision, there's no hope."

-George Washington Carver

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