.:Ch.06:. The dungeons

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~~~ Chloe's POV ~~~

When I opened my eyes I found my self laying on a cold floor. I got up from the floor when I felt something cold on my hands, silver chains. Then it came back to me, that I was following the rogues and that they brought me here in the dungeons.

But didn't they think I was a human? If so why did they gave me a silver chain and not a normal metal one?

I smirked, it won't make much of a difference to me anyway.

Then something hit me. I am wearing a wig, I immediately brought a strand of my hair in front of my eyes. Yellow, I sighed in relief. I didn't think this through clearly, but I managed.

I looked around me to see that I'm in some sort of a cell. It was cold here, when I heard a groaning sound my eyes snapped to the direction the sound came from. I saw a young girl, around my age with blonde hair and big blue eyes. "Hello?" I started.

When she heard my voice she turned her face towards me, a frown plastered on her beautiful face. Yeah right! Her face! I don't remember quite well, but it's familiar. I couldn't have seen her before but.. But I might have seen her..

Talk about weird logic! That's so me!

"Hello there little one.." She muttered. Oh! She talked!

"You are talking like my grandmother!" I say, looking at her eyes. "And you're younger than me! I can see it written all over your damn face!"

"Staying here for so long can make you go crazy.." She mumbled, but thanks to my sensitive ears I heard her.

"If life is hard, then it must be trying to teach you a lesson." I said, grabbing her attention from the other world she was in. "That lesson may either bring you sadness or happiness, depending on how you react and how you act around it."

"Wise words.." She said smiling.

"You smiled!" I exclaimed. I didn't know that she could! "Does it feel good smiling?" I mentally face-Palm, where did that even come from. Curse you my mouth!

But if a witch heard my thoughts my mouth can really become cursed and I won't talk ever again! I'm sorry my mouth please forgive me!

"Yeah! I haven't smiled for around two years." She smiled sadly, as she said that.

"Wait! You stayed here for two whole fucking years?!" I exclaimed, again..

"Language!" She shouted, well at least she's beginning to return to her normal self. "And yes I have been here for two years.."

"Do you know anything about this place? Anything strange?" I inquired.

She looked deep in thought for a minute.

"The leader of the rogues, I think his name is Drake." She gritted her teeth when she said his name. "He was the one who brought me here in the first place, he's super strong and is disgusting. And he's the one who..." She trailed off drifting to her own world.

"And he's who what?" I repeated, encouraging her to continue.

"He's the one who killed my parents.." She muttered under her breathe.

My eyes widened, and a painful headache came to my head. I grabbed my head with both my hand trying to calm the pain down. Unfortunately it was of no use.

"Hey! Are you okay? Don't pass out! Please!" The girl who I was talking to yelled, but it was no use. I felt myself lose consciousness as my head hit the ground hard.

Does my head love to get hurt or what?

.:.:.:. After four hours .:.:.:.

I was awoken from my beauty sleep by some shouting. I opened my eyes annoyed. "WHO THE HELL DARE TO AWAKE ME FROM MY SLEEPING BEAUTY SLEEP?! ...Wait I said sleeping two times there.." I muttered the last part.

When I heard a growl, out of curiosity I took a small-short peek at the cause of the sound. Okay maybe it wasn't a short peek, what I saw was an emotionless monster with his black hair and green eyes. He was inside my cell and I smiled.

"Hello there chubby boy!" I waved my hand at him. "Do you have some Nutella jar? I forgot mine in the hotel!" I left it in the car, but he doesn't need to know that.

I was suddenly pushed against the wall by a hand that was wrapped tightly around my throat. "Owww..." I groaned in pain.

"Don't play games with me child." He warned, and I could feel my eyes twitching.

So maybe I don't exactly react to thing the same way a normal person does, but who cares?

"First of all I'm not a little one! I'm 203 years and I have grandchildren!" Lies, but I love lies! I looked at my cell door seeing that it was open, I smirked as I looked directly into his eyes. "Secondly, ever heard that if you underestimate your opponent, you might end up dead?"

He blinked, appearing to be stupid. His grip on my throat loosened and I fell hard on the cold floor hitting my butt. "Hey! Don't you know how to treat a lady? I would always like to teach you if you want." I said smiling at him.

He smirked, as if he knew something I didn't. "You can keep trying to get out, but you sure as hell won't."

"Even if I offered to do your homework everyday?" I suggested, he then looked at me like I was crazy.

"N-" before he could've finish the word I interrupted him.

"I'll cook too! I'm a good cooker!" I exclaimed.

He then seemed more troubled and after for what seemed like forever he untied my chains. "Just because you are a human." He said.

I mouthed to the girl next to me. 'I'll be back for you later, we'll escape.' She nodded her head super slowly so that this black-headed guy wouldn't notice, which surprisingly didn't.

When I saw his back's to me I got up from the floor and tried to make a run as far away. Key word: tried. I was pulled by my shirt before I could even make it a step away from him.

"If I see you try to escape again, I'll chop your head off!" He warned.

"Aye captain!" I said smiling sheepishly as I tried to get free from his grip.

I must make him believe that I'm going to obey him by my attitude. Watch your back stupid, you're not gonna know where you got that hit from.

"A bad attitude is like a flat fire.
You can't go anywhere till you change it."


Thanks for all who have read till this far, thanks for supporting me and giving me a reason to continue writing this book. I know my story is bad, and I know that there's tons of errors, I'm still editing but I don't want that to stand in my way for writing more chapters.

Anyway, I would love to hear YOUR ideas and to know what YOU think would happen.

I also like to hear about what people like and dislike.

I always try my best to accept all opinion but of course, let me tell you sometimes I have a bad temper and if you made me angry I might make a cat damage your faces with it's claws! Muhahaha! *evil laugh*

That reminds me, weren't I too lazy to write an author note? And most people skip those.. In that case I don't want to make it any longer.

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