.:Ch.04:. Protect

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~~~ Chloe's POV ~~~

After sleeping my night I went to the closest mall to do some shopping. I bought a brown wig thinking that purple hair gets too much attention. I also bought a black-rimmed glasses. With that it'll be hard telling who I am.

When I arrived at the room in the apartment I took a quick shower, I then Went the the elevator and chose the highest floor. I closed my eyes trying to figure out which room the hunters and rogues will be in.

.:. '1105' .:.

So room number 1105 that is, good thing I learned how to control seeing the future, but there are thing that I'm not allowed to see.

But as long as I can see the enemy I'm fine.

I stepped out of the elevator when it stopped and headed to the door number 1105. I knocked the door slowly as I began to plan my next move.

The door opened revealing a normal human with a scary look, judging from his looks he's probably a hunter. "Who are you?" He asked me, his voice was cold and emotionless, much like his own face.

"I'm Alyssa Hunt." I made up that name somehow. "I came here because I heard that I could participate in your attack against any of the werewolves packs. That's if you let me attack the blood moon pack, they killed my brother those motherfùckers!" I faked hurt and anger which seemed to get into the very little cell brain he has working left, I should really get a prize for my acting skills.

He nodded and opened the door for me to step in. When I did however, I was greeted by at least ten rogues, twenty hunters. They were both talking and laughing together, I guess that hunters and rogues do have emotions after all.

I sat on a lonely chair waiting for the meeting to start. The room was bigger than I expected, I won't be surprised if it cover half the floor.

"So ladies and gentlemen." The man whom allowed me to get in said. "We are here to discuss the slaughter of the Blue moonlight pack." My eyes widened in shock upon hearing my pack's name. My old pack now, I already left it and I'm not planning to ever return. How dare they plan to kill all my family and pack members?! How dare they?!

I was about to snap at them when I remembered that I came here to get her information, once I picked up their plan I'm not gonna hesitate to kill them.

The group of hunters and rogues will arrive tomorrow morning and at night we'll attack. When everyone is asleep to insure our victory."

They are cowards, cowards with no feeling, no guilt, no mercy. I clenched my hands into fists as I heard the rest of the plan to attack the pack. I smirked to myself, too bad they wouldn't do what they wanted, They'll be lucky if they'll live long enough for them to actually attack.

"Now that the meeting is ove-" the man was interrupted by me raising my hand. He sighed and asked calmly. "What do you want Alyssa."

I stood up in front of everyone and smirked. They all looked at me in confusion. "You should all check the identity of your allies, too bad that you allowed an enemy to listen to your whole meeting. However, you won't live enough to learn from that mistake because you're all going to die, now." I saw the man -I don't know his name nor do I want to find out- eyes widened in realization as he shouted at everybody to attack me.

The rogues shifted to wolves while hunters took their silver knifes and other weapon.

Well, this should be easy.

I felt my hands change turning into claws, and my eyes were sharper than before, and canines grew in my mouth. I didn't want anyone to look at my wolf, at least not now. I have a very bad feeling upon showing my wolf to anyone. And I'm not willing to risk anything.

I easily dodged a rogue while he aimed a punch at me and I easily appeared behind him in amazing speed. I myself didn't know I was capable on doing that. With my sharp claws a punched him in his chest, drawing blood.

I did that many time with the other wolves and hunters, dodging and then punching or kicking. A hunter then succeeded in stapling me with a knife that was made with silver. They all suddenly stopped and sighed in relief. Little did they know that silver has no effect on me whatsoever.

I pulled the knife out easily, the hunters were clearly surprised that I didn't get affected by silver. "H-How?" One of the hunters asked after I punched him and his back hit the wall.

"I already have a silver as a part of my body, silver isn't and wouldn't be my weakness." I muttered as I killed him. If I let anyone survive I'll be in danger, heck my family might also be in danger. And I won't have enough time to save my pack, well my future pack. That's if I ever decided to join.

After a few other minutes of fighting, I was the only one left standing. Blood was covering me from head to toe. If I went like this out in the hall and someone spotted me I'll be in a really big trouble.

I took off my clothes and wiped the blood with a towel I found in the bathroom, I then pulled on some of the clothes that were in the closet of the room. I then washed my face and take of the wig, seeing as it also had been covered in blood. I threw it near the dead bodies.

I saw a big bag which looked happy and I couldn't help the urge to peek in it. Inside it I found jewels, diamonds, gold..etc. It was like a treasure, I decided to take it seeing as nobody was coming after it anyway,

I looked at their figures one last time and frowned. I didn't want to kill them, but I didn't want them to kill the people who are dear to me either. This world's rule is simple "kill or get killed"


When I went to my room I immediately took a shower again. I pulled off my wig and pulled on a blonde one. I didn't know where are my glasses, I could've dropped it when I was fighting, it probably broken down by now.

Seeing as I don't have anything else left to do, I went to sleep on my bed. It has been a very long few hours, and their allies will probably not search this inn. They will probably thing that only the idiot will stay in this hotel when he killed many hunters and rogue but they are so wrong.

I then somehow thought about Ryan. I know it hasn't been that long but how's he doing? Is he sleeping well, eating well?

Now that I think of it I haven't eaten my Nutella yet.

I got up from bed and pulled a Nutella jar from my backpack and began digging in. After a few spoons I brushed my teeth in the bathroom and then went back to sleep.

I want to see Ryan again...

Realizing what I had just thought I shook my head.

'You're doing this for him.' I reminded myself.

"You and I will always be unfinished business."
- anonymous

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