.:Ch.20:. Unsealed

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~~ Chloe's POV ~~

When I went to the restroom I saw a girl struggling to get away from the deadly grip on her throat, the girl was pushed against the wall by a mysterious person wearing a hood.

That girl was Emily, she is from the newspaper club. The one we gave the video to too. She helped us in humiliating Serena,

I gasped at the sight, earning the mysterious person attention to me. His grip tightened on the girl's throat and I saw a hint of a smirk on his face.

I took the paper I found today and showed it to the person who was now looking at me. "Are you the one who sent this to me?" I inquired, the visible smirk that appeared on the person's face told me that he indeed was.

When I heard a snap I knew that Emily's neck was broken which made me sprint all the way to him and appeared behind him, just when my kick was about to land on his back my leg stopped.

My eyes widened when I realized that all me body was frozen, I couldn't move an inch! How is that even possible?

The person's face turned to look at me and that's when my eyes widened even more. (If that was possible)

I saw the person's face, not to mention the dark black eyes he had.

I would have talked if I could, but I couldn't move at all, I was like a statue. A karate state, my leg was up and it felt tiring staying in the same position I was in.

"I'm sure you're wondering who am I." his hoarse voice stated, I kept my eyes at him, not that I wanted to of course.

I didn't know what to do seeing there's a knocked out black haired girl in the girl's restroom, it's not like I could do anything either. Therefore I just stayed and listened, I might pick up some information out of him.

"I'm your worst nightmare," he revealed, his voice was dangerous and gave a hint of a warning.

He was here and the next second he wasn't. He disappeared into thin air! I don't even know how I thought I could beat him when I couldn't even move freely! He's out of my league.

For now..

Slowly I fell down on the floor, I felt my body go weak. Whatever was keeping me frozen wore out, apparently.

I fought to keep consciousness as I began to see black spots in my vision. Every part of my body was in pure pain for a reason I didn't know.

I heard one of the toilets door open as light footsteps which apparently belongs to a child approach. The child stumbled over Emily and fell, and from the feminine gasp I assume it's a little girl.

After that I heard her open the window and jump outside.

A little girl just jumped out of the window?

What was that about?

When I closed my eyes giving up on staying awake any longer, I could swear that I heard someone shout my name but as soon as I heard it, I passed out.

~~ Ryan's POV ~~

Chloe has been ignoring me for days and my wolf wouldn't stop whining, I was now with the usual group on the table when a certain girl caught my eye as she got up from her table.

I excused myself from the guys then slowly followed her, a girl bumped into me all of a sudden and I grabbed her before she could fall. "Are you all right?" I asked, wanting to be anywhere but here when I realized that it was Serena. The girl whom was stalking me all day and night, her along with Katie.

"Thanks Ryan, you saved me!" she exclaimed happily grabbing me arm and intending to pull me with her. I pulled away before she could do anything.

"I really have to go Serena, I don't have time for your silly games." I said turning around, hurrying my pace upon hearing someone scream.

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