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This is a message that some people will never accept. Just because your family, friends, peers, or teachers can't see it, doesn't mean it's not true.

I've never been confident. I've never liked myself. I've been the kind of girl who hated attention and knew "where I belonged" in the social food chain.

That is until I found a few people who were just as self conscious, afraid, and dysfunctional as me. I have two close friends, who mean the whole world to me. One is a girl who never lets me hate myself. She reminds me every day that I mean something. She is my turtle.

The other is the only person who understands what I mean with just a look. She can tell when I need space, midol, a hug, or a simple "how are you?"

I rant to her like no other, and talk to her constantly. She matters, even when she can't see it.

I was recently insulted using the word bitch. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Somehow though, this one guy who litteraly knows nothing about me, cut me down. But that's when I remembered the key part of this.


He knows what others say, not the truth. Never let the words of a person who can't understand, change the feelings you have about yourself.

You matter to me. You matter to ne even if we've never spoken, because each and every person in this world is a "somebody." If you haven't heard this today, I love you...

You are perfect.

You matter.

Dedicated to @MadisonJarman and @AbigailGalaviz

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