The Promise

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"Repeat. I'll repeat it for however many times I have to. Until I find the only way out. I promise, Madoka, I will save you no matter what."

The deafening sound of the gunshot and the scream of Madoka made me unconsciously cover my ears. The smell of blood from our scars and the shattered Soul Gem I held in my hand made me feel nauseous. Tears started to well up in my eyes and my vision started getting blurry. My glasses were cracked and the rain drops landed on the shattered glass-piece. 

I stood up. I can't waste my time here. I have to save Madoka. I have to warn her. Protect her from Kyubey. There's no time to waste. 

The gears turned and there I was, walking along the path that led back to the past. On the way back time, my consciousness was slowly slipping away. My eyelids drooped low and eventually I closed them and everything blacked out. 

I woke up with a start only to find myself in the over-familiar hospital room with the white walls, white bedsheets and white curtains. Although the curtains were only so slightly parted back, the blinding rays of morning sun shone through the gap and shone directly on my bed. 

I realised that I was still gripping my Soul Gem. I reached for my glasses which were only on the desk next to my bed. The other patients in the room were still soundly asleep. Everything seemed so normal. So normal that nothing seemed to have happened. But I knew the answer. If it wasn't for my tight grip on my Soul Gem, I probably would have thought that everything was just a dream. 

I looked at my nail. The shape of a diamond was painted on it. A small proof that one has made a contract and had become a magical girl. My eyebrows knot together as I forced my brain to think of any possible way to save Madoka. I didn't worry too much about it and I dragged my feet down to the cold marble floor of the hospital.

I stood up and started to make my way out of the room. It was the day I would be released after all. Better hurry. Little did I know the gears of time were only about to work more than ever from now on. I slowly walked out the hospital room, my feet cold from the white marble floor.

The cycle of time has only begun, as my promises and demises start to spin the thread of the beginning of a never ending maze where no exits are to be found or allowed to exist.

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