2. Race and meeting

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 Taylor’s POV

Mellie and I decided to visit Hirato a couple of days later. It was kind of the same scenario at the party. Music pumping out of speakers, happy people everywhere who danced and talked and awesome cars. Mellie immediately went for the dancefloor as I jumped on Hirato in a hug, making him smile and twirl me around in the air.

"You are my little cherry" he chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a bit when he did that and he put me down.

"So any new stuff going on?" I asked as he nodded brightly.

"I’m racing today and you’ll be in first place to see it!" He said cheerfully.

"Seriously?" I said both chocked and terrified.

He gave me the brightest smile as he opened his car door for me. Hirato’s gang cheered me on to just enjoy the ride even though I felt nervous. But I trusted Hirato so I calmed down.

Hirato drove up to the start line as everybody surrounded the car with cheering and howling. I felt giddish, a small rush of adrenaline pumping through my blood.

This was really exciting!

All of the sudden a roaring engine is heard as everybody started screaming of excitement and howling even louder. Hirato and I turned our heads to the side to see the other person driving up next to us.

I felt a sting of anger as I saw a calm Tom slowly pulling up to the start line with one hand on the steering wheal. He turned his head to us as I swiftly pressed my head back. I didn’t like that person one bit and I knew the feeling was soaring through Hitaro as well.

"This win is mine Tom!" Hitaro said harshly as Tom seemed to chuckle. I decided not to look at him and his slut of a bumper who sat next to him.

"Hirato you will never win over Tom, even if you’ve gotten a bumper" I could see the smirk on the girls face as she said that.

"Taylor is not my bumper!" Hirato said outraged as Tom chuckled again and his skank laughed hysterical. All of us turned our heads forward as a girl walked in front and waved with her scarf.

"Ready…. Set….GO!" she shrieked as both cars took off.

The adrenaline and the fear striked me as Hirato speeded in the parking house. I felt scared, terrified, joyful and ecstatic at the same time as Hirato did his best to make every turn right as Tom was right beside us, looking calm as ever.

I glanced over as we flew in a high-speed across the garage. Tom concentrated at the road as his slut bumper was cheering him and rubbing his leg, but instead of enjoying it in a smartass way, which I thought he would, Tom pushed her hand away and seemed to yell something to her.

I was taken by surprise but was caught off guard as we turned and entered the final long straight way with the finish line at the end. Everybody was standing there cheering and screaming loud.

"You can make it Hirato!" I said hopefully as he was in the lead. Hirato smiled and changed gear as we almost were there until, all of the sudden, Tom took off and were suddenly several meters ahead. He crossed the finish line about 2 seconds before Hirato.

Everybody screamed loudly as both cars stopped.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now